Families of prisoners who battered: ‘Prisoners’ lifes are in danger’ 2021-10-27 13:15:59   Rojda Aydın   ŞIRNAK - Families of the prisoners, who were battered by the director and prison officer in Şırnak T-Type Closed Prison, drew attention to the fact that the lifes of the prisoners are in danger. Families called for an investigation to be launched against the prison administration and justice to be provided.   Every day a new one is added to the increasing violations of rights in prisons in Turkey and the cities of the region. One of the prisons where violations of rights are experienced is Şırnak T Type Closed Prison. It was learned that on October 24-25 in the prison in question, the prison director and the officers raided the ward where 16 people were staying and battered the prisoners. It was stated that the nose of one of the prisoners was broken and the arm of one of the prisoners was broken and one of the prisoners was taken to the hospital with internal bleeding.   Prisoners’ families, who had closed meetings with their relatives in prison, stated that the condition of the injured prisoners was not good and called on the public to protect the prisoners.   ‘One prisoner in intensive care’   The relative of the prisoner, HDP Şırnak Co-chair Sabuha Akdağ stated that she is worried about the situation of her father, Ali Akdağ, who has been imprisoned for two years and four months and sentenced to six years and three months. Saying that her father was also tortured by the prison officers, Sabuha described the events as follows, ‘’The prison director and the officers have been raiding the wards for two days and battering the prisoners. There are 16 political prisoners in the prison. The ward where political prisoners stay has two parts. The prison officer wanted to search the upper part of the ward with their shoes. Since the prisoners were praying, they did not allow searching with shoes. The guards then asked the prisoners to make a standing count. When the prisoners did not accept this, the guards and the prison director attacked and battered the prisoners. Many prisoners were injured. There are two prisoners aged 60 and 80 in the ward. Other prisoners jumped on them to prevent them from being hit. One prisoner’s nose and one prisoner’s arm were broken due to the blows they received. Another prisoner suffered internal bleeding. The injured were taken to the hospital. The prisoner named Mehmet Ali Çevik is now in intensive care. The prisoners were brutally battered’’.   ‘Torture does not end in prisons’   Emphasizing that violations in prisons have become systematized, Sabuha said that almost every day, news of violations comes from a prison. Torture does not end in prisons. Every day we hear about a new violation of rights. However, violations of rights have increased in the last period. Wards are raided arbitrarily in the prison. This is an unfair and unlawful situation. No one has the right to torture prisoners. This situation in prison today is inhumane. We do not accept this torture committed to the prisoners. Political prisoners are deliberately attacked in prison. Prisoners are constantly being exiled unlawfully. My father said that the condition of the other prisoners was not good’’.   ‘We will not remain silent’   Stating that the relatives of the prisoners should not remain silent and resist in the face of the situation, Sabuha said, ‘’The prisoners cannot do anything inside, but we can do something. We should be the voice of the prisoners. We should resist for their rights. We need to come together with all the families of prisoners. We will not remain silent and will not stop until an investigation is launched against those who battered the prisoners’’.   ‘The condition of the injured prisoners is not good’   Bedriye İnedi, the mother of Celal İnedi, who was sentenced to 12 years and has been in prison for three years, said she was worried about her son’s life. Stating that she went to a closed meeting last Friday, Bedriye said that her son told about the torture they were subjected to by the guards and the prison director in the phone call yesterday. ‘’He said that there were prisoners who were injured and that their condition was not good. The prisoners demanded that the MPs and lawyers come to their visits as soon as possible. My son stated that they were tortured every morning. Our childrens’ condition are not well and they are in danger. The prsioners asked the public to support them and be their voice. They attack arbitrarily. We do not accept this situation. All families and mothers need to gather in front of the prison. Let’s raise our voices against this persecution. My son said there were two injured in their wards. But I do not know their names. They want to destroy our children. There is severe torture against the prisoners. What do they want from our children? Why are they doing this torture?’’   ‘We do not accept torture’   Bedriye, who wanted this torture to end as soon as possible, finally said, ‘’We did not raise our children to be tortured. We do not accept this torture. We, the families of prisoners, need to flow in front of the prison. They are not released even though their sentences are over. What do they want from us? Need to find a solution to this situation as soon as possible. Everyone needs to be the voice of the prisoners. Let them put end to this cruelty against our children’’.   ‘We want justice to be provided’   Fadile Ölmez, the sister of Mesut Ölmez, who has been imprisoned for four years and sentenced to 10 years, reacted to what happened and drew attention to the fact that the prisoners were subjected to persecution and torture. Fadile said, ‘’No one should remain silent in the face of what is happening’’. Fadile stated that the prisoners called on to be the voice of them. She said that one of the prisoners was taken to the intensive care unit and one of the prisoners will have an operation. ‘’They battered my brother as well. His feet were not holding from the waist down, he was aching all over. He was in no condition to stand. We do not accept this persecution. All Kurdish people and relatives of prisoner must stand up,’’ she said.