‘Isolation is not only imposed on Abdullah Öcalan but on whole society’ 2021-10-27 10:43:32   ISTANBUL - Speaking about the aggravated isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, the women drew attention to the isolation imposed on the entire society. The women called for standing together against the isolation policy so that peace can be achieved.   While the isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan continues, no news has been heard from him for 7 months. There is no positive or negative response to the applications made by the lawyers. The isolation put into effect in Imrali has spread to the entire society. The Kurdish people, on the other hand, are demanding the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan wherever they are by starting the ‘’Dem dema azadiyê ye’’ (Time of freedom) move led by women.   ‘We need to meet at a common point to break the isolation’   Zelile Gökçe, a member of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), said that the isolation was aggravated in order to prevent Abdullah Öcalan from contacting the society, and said, ‘’This isolation is not new. Incoming governments continue this process. They know that if they lift the isolation, the whole world will hear the voice in prisons. We need to join hands and tell the world what happened. They turned life into open isolation. We cannot even make a press release, we cannot carry out our own political work, our co-chairs and co-mayors are in prison. We are called as ‘terrorists’ in society. This isolation imposes to anyone who thinks differently. When you walk on the road, you cannot think that there is no isolation. We need to organize, strengthen the resistance and meet at a common point to break the isolation on the peoples’’.   ‘They want war, we want peace’   Hülya Duman, a member of the Istanbul Peace Mothers Initiative, stated that the isolation was imposed not only on Abdullah Öcalan but also on all Kurds and that the Kurds were tried to be destroyed by this method. She continued, ‘’They apply detention and pressure every day. They abduct and harass our youth and women. I condemn this situation. The practices implemented on Abdullah Öcalan also have an effect on the Kurds. This isolation has been going on for years. They want war, we want peace. They want to destroy the Kurds. They never wanted peace. They are trying to prevent the Kurds from achieving their goals. We want an end to the isolation in all areas, especially on Abdullah Öcalan and prisons. All mothers need to make a voice. This problem is not solved by a few mothers making voice. We must raise our voices against this brutal state or they will not stop’’.   ‘The state is imposing isolation because it is afraid’   Arife Yalvaç, a member of the Istanbul Peace Mothers Initiative, underlined that the key of peace is in the hands of Abdullah Öcalan and that unless the isolation on Abdullah Öcalan is lifted, peace cannot be achieved in Turkey. Arife Yalvaç said, ‘’Let the deaths and wars stop, we want peace. Let the isolation on mothers be lifted. They apply pressure, rape, and isolation policies not only on us but also on our entire people. When we talk, they either kill, kidnap or arrest. Let them lift this isolation. Even if they kill us, we will continue to struggle until the last moment. We know that the reason for the imposing isolation is the state’s fear. We want the isolation to be lifted and peace to be achieved. For this, all mothers should stand up’’.