Women’s Platform for Equality visits HDP Women’s Group 2021-10-26 16:48:13     ANKARA - A delegation from Women’s Platform for Equality visited HDP Women’s Group with the agenda of equal representation, a life without violence, and the 5th Judicial Package.   The Women’s Platform for Equality (ESIK) visited the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Parliamentary Women’s Group. The delegation met with HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan, Group Deputy Chair Meral Danış Beştaş, Women’s Council Spokesperson Ayşe Acar Başaran and HDP Women’s Coordination members. The delegation included Berrin Sönmez, Şenal Sarıhan, Meral Güler, Hülya Gülbahar, Fidan Ataselim, Sevilay Çelenk, Ceren Kurt and Benan Koyuncu.   During the meeting, views were exchanged within the scope of equal representation, a life without violence, the 5th judicial package and protecting women's gains. HDP delegation took note of the demands of ESIK and emphasized that they will continue their struggle for women’s struggle and equal representation.