Kobanê Trial continues with defenses of politicians 2021-10-26 13:52:51     ANKARA - The Kobanê Trial continues with the defenses of politicians in the 6th session of the 5th hearing.   The 6th session of the 5th hearing of the Kobanê Trial, which was opened against the 108 people 21 of whom are imprisoned including Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) former Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) former Co-Chair Sebahat Tuncel, HDP Central Executive Board members and executives, was held at the Sincan Prison Campus.   Lawyers as well as HDP MPs, HDP provincial and district executives attended the trial, which was seen by the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court. While the politicians held in Sincan Prison were present in the courtroom, other politicians were connected to the case via Sound and Video Information System (SEGBIS) from the prisons where they were under arrest.   ‘The questions you ask show the verdict you will make’   Kenan Maçoğlu, the lawyer of HDP Party Council member Nazmi Gür who finished his defense yesterday, took the floor at the hearing that started with identification. Pointing out that there is no trial here, Kenan said, ‘’We are constantly presenting documents here, and we are making a defense, but you have closed your ears to them, you are making judgments on the line you have created here and asking questions to the clients. The questions you ask here also show the verdict that you will make in the future’’. Kenan reacted to the questions of the court board asked to Nazmi yesterday.   Speaking about the e-mail sent by the PYD, Kenan said, ‘’We have repeatedly said that the PYD itself came to Turkey at that time. While you were not questioning the coming of PYD members at that time, you keep our friends responsible for the deaths of 37 people via the received mail. You asked, ‘How do you know that the Mürşitpınar border gate fell?’ At that time, we all knew that TVs were broadcasting live 24 hours a day. Is it possible that we are not aware of this? Maybe it is possible, but if you are making this judgment, do some research about what happened at that time. Who resisted against ISIS in Kobanê at that time? People lost their lives fighting against this barbarian gang. You are not asking any of these. You are asking ridiculous questions here. If you are going to make a trial, ask when was the PYD recognized as a terrorist organization? How many times did PYD co-chairs come to Turkey? Ask these. Why don’t you ask these? If you are going to judge, you have to ask these. We have made many requests for this’’.   After Kenan’s speech, HDP Central Executive Board member Alp Altınörs started to give his defense. The hearing continues with the defense of Alp Altınörs.