Parliamentary question from 22 MPs about sexual torture against Garibe Gezer 2021-10-25 15:08:20   ANKARA - 22 women MPs from HDP asked the Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül about the sexual torture against to Garibe Gezer, who is being held in Kandıra No. 1 F-Type High Security Prison.   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) women MPs brought the sexual torture and assault against to Garibe Gezer, who was held in Kandıra No. 1 F-Type High Security Prison, to the agenda of parliament. 22 HDP MPs submitted a single parliamentary question to the Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül, requesting an answer.   In the parliamentary question, it was noted that Garibe, who was detained in Mardin’s Nusaybin district in 2016, was transferred to the Kandıra No. 1 F-Type High Security Closed Prison.   It was stated that Garibe, who stayed in cell for 22 days in Kandıra, was not accepted to move to three-person wards and was kept in a single-person cell. In parliamentary question said, ‘’In the face of this situation, Garibe protested against being forced to be sent to a single-person cell. She was wanted to be taken to the called ‘sponge room’ on the grounds that she made action. On May 24, a team of eight men and women prison officers entered Garibe’s cell and battered her. While the women prison officers held her hands, the men stepped on her neck with their boots and used violence for minutes.   ‘Sexual assault’   In the parliamentary question, in which it was stated that Garibe was subjected to violence by being dragged on the ground by the women prison officers ‘’The shalwar she was wearing was taken off and she was dragged through the sections where the men were, half-naked. Afterwards, she was thrown into the ‘sponge room’, which is a completely isolated area, watched by cameras 24 hours a day, where she was sexually assaulted by women prison officers.   ‘No any proceeding has been started against those responsible’   Emphasizing that Garibe was driven to suicide on the same night due to the sexual torture she was subjected to, the parliamentary question said, ‘’Garibe, who was taken to the infirmary, was mistreated and did not receive treatment. After these traumatic incidentss, Garibe was put in a single-person cell again, she wanted to burn her cell on June 7, thereupon she was thrown into the ‘sponge room’ again and kept there for 24 hours. She was sentenced to five days in solitary confinement and a disciplinary investigation was initiated against her for reporting what was did to her in the meeting she had with her family. Some of Garibe’s letters were censored, and some were not sent. Although these complaints and allegations have been known for a while, no investigation has been initiated by the prosecution office and no any proceeding has been started against those responsible’’.