‘Six months pregnant Neimet was killed’ 2021-10-23 13:11:28   NEWS CENTER - Stating that Neimet Behcet Şexo, who was six months pregnant, after the explosion in Afrin on October 11, was killed by groups affiliated with Turkey, her relative E.M. called on to international forces and asked, ‘’How long will you stay silent?’’   Violence against women, rape, harassment, and abduction started to take place after Turkey and the groups it supported took control of the Afrin Canton of Northern and Eastern Syria after the attacks in 2018. While 219 people, mostly women, were abducted in the last two months, Neimet Behcet Şexo, who was six months pregnant, was killed along with her baby on October 11. Announcing the killing of Neimet, the Afrin Human Rights Organization noted that after the explosion in Dörtyol, Neimet was killed by groups affiliated with Turkey, alleging that she had ‘’come to explode herself’’.   Speaking to NuJINHA, Neimet’s relative E.M., who did not want to be named for security reasons, drew attention to the danger faced by women in Afrin and called for sensitivity to international forces.   ‘Neimet was killed’   Stating that Neimet is from the village of Qupe in the Reco district of Afrin, E.M. said, ‘’She went to the hospital for a check-up because she was pregnant on the day of the explosion on October 11. Neimet and her spouse set out for the Qmber Hospital in the center of Afrin. When they reached the city centre, there was an explosion. However, they continued to go towards the hospital. When they reached the hospital, the gangs saw her belly and said, ‘You came to explode yourself’. Neimet tried to explain that she was pregnant and that her belly was growing because of this, but they did not believe her. Instead of taking her to the doctor and finding out if she was pregnant, they took her out of the hospital and committed violence there. Then they kicked her in the stomach and killed her baby in her belly. Her 36-year-old spouse, Xelil Neisan, is trying to save her from them, but they also used violence against him. There were two other relatives with them, and they intervened. However, the gangs also attacked them harshly. As a result of this attack, Neimet, who had been married for four years and was six months pregnant, was killed. Neimet’s husband cannot stand up due to both the death of his spouse and child and the violence he has suffered’’.   ‘Let the brutality end’   Drawing attention to the crimes committed in Afrin, E.M. underlined that the organs of the patients who came to the hospital were stolen. Finally, E.M. said, ‘’I want the whole world to hear my voice and see what is going on in Afrin. I also want everyone to stand for Afrin and raise their voices. What did this pregnant woman do so that she was killed? The people are tired. Let the brutality end. How long will they remain silent?’’