‘It is started to marina construction in Karacasöğüt Bay’ 2021-10-20 15:26:01     MUĞLA - In Karacasöğüt Bay, which is a natural and historical protected area in Marmaris, was started despite the ongoing lawsuit against the marina project planned by Muğla Governorate and its partnership, MUÇEV.   Despite the lawsuit filed against to Muğla Environment Foundation Limited Company, which was established in half partnership with Muğla Governorate and Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, the project to build a marina in Karacasöğüt Bay of Marmaris district of Muğla was started today. While the lawsuit filed by Marmaris City Council against the ‘Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required’ report previously given by the governorship for the bay, which is both a 1st degree archeological site and a special environmental protection area, continues, images showing that the construction has started today has arrived. It was reflected in the images that cement water was poured into the sea during the construction.   ‘Breeding site of various animal species’   Even though it is a first-degree protection area, a report of ‘EIA is not required’ was given by the Muğla Governorate to the application of MUÇEV with the request of expanding the pier in the bay. Marmaris City Council, together with Marmaris Municipality, applied to the court in November 2020 to cancel the decision of ‘’EIA is not required’’ for the bay, which is a breeding ground for various animal species. The commission of experts assigned to the case prepared a report on the region and emphasized that the EIA report is necessary. Despite this, and while the court is still going on, construction works have started in the bay.   ‘The marina wants to be built’   Local activists argue that MUÇEV wants to transform the pier, which currently has a capacity of 60 boats, into a marina that can accommodate 187 boats, not a boat mooring pier. Activists point out that in this way, public access to the ancient bay will also be blocked.   It was added that the plaintiff Marmaris Municipality also granted a licence to MUÇEV to start the works.