Women’s rally starts with slogans 2021-10-16 15:50:50   DİYARBAKIR - The women’s rally organized by TJA and DBP Women’s Council with the slogan ‘’Edî bese to racism and sexism, now is the time for women’s freedom’’ has started.   Under the leading of Free Women’s Movement (TJA) and the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Women’s Council, the women’s rally is held in Diyarbakır Istasyon Square with the slogan ‘’Edî bese (enough) to racism and sexism, now is the time for women’s freedom’’. To the rally; Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MPs, DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz, Democratic Society Congress (DTK), HDP Youth Council, HDP and DBP regional cities’ provincial and district organizations, Peace Mothers Council, Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), non-governmental organisations participated.    Banners ‘’Lı dıji nıjadpereste u zayendeperestiye dem dema azadiya jıneye’’ and ‘’We will march till all women being free’’ were hung in the rally area. Placards with Deniz Poyraz’s photo, pennants written on ‘’Jin jiyan azadi’’, placards ‘’Let’s get organized, let’s be free’’, ‘’Against plunder’’ and ‘’No to women’s poverty’’ were carried. Women often chanted “Jin jiyan azadi’’ . Many search points have been set up to enter the rally area. Citizens were not allowed to bring disinfectants, pens, hand creams, notebooks, etc. to the area. In addition, women reacted to the imposition of strip search at the entrances. Women coming from the cities of the region entered the area with zılgıts in a cortege. The rally will continue with speeches and songs.