‘Women will continue to sing their songs of freedom’ 2021-10-16 14:00:17   ISTANBUL - The rally to be held by the TJA and DBP with the slogan ‘’Edî bese to racism and sexism, now is the time for women’s freedom’’. The Women’s Time Association reacted to the ban on the ‘’Tu kî yî’’ song of the artist Devrim Demir for the rally.   The Free Women’s Movement (TJA) and the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Women’s Council will hold a rally in Diyarbakır Istasyon Square with the slogan ‘’Edî bese (enough) to racism and sexism, now is the time for women’s freedom.’’ Many people reacted to the ban on the song ‘’Tu kî yî’’, which was on the list of songs to be played at the rally, of artist Devrim Demir. One of those who reacted was the Women’s Time Association.   Reacting to the ban on Devrim Demir’s song ‘’Tu kî yî’’ by posting on digital media, the Women’s Time Association stated: ‘’The song Tu kî yî of Devrim Demir was banned at the women’s feast to be held in Amed under the leading of TJA activists. Women will continue to sing their songs of freedom against language and culture massacre, gendercide, and your prohibitive mentality’’.