Dicle Fırat Cultural Center ready for new period 2021-10-16 13:03:43         DİYARBAKIR - Dicle Fırat Cultural Center, which started to offer face-to-face training again with the new registration period, started to receive registration. Cultural Center executive Kibar Süvari said: ‘’We invite all women, children and youth to join our courses in order to protect their culture.’’   Dicle Fırat Cultural Center, which operates in Diyarbakır, has started to continue its cultural and art works with online trainings after the coronavirus epidemic was seen also in Turkey. However, with the normalization of pandemic measures, the Cultural Center decided to go to face-to-face training in the new registration period. Dicle Fırat Cultural Center, which will provide training in many art fields such as painting, photography, baglama and guitar, will continue to receive registrations until October 22.   ‘We continued our courses online’   Kibar Süvari, Executive of Dicle Fırat Cultural Center, noted that they continued their course training online for a while before and after the pandemic period. Kibar said: ‘’Before the pandemic period started, we had courses that we continued online. Along with the pandemic period, we continued to give our training online to friends who wanted to continue their courses. With the passing to the normalization period, we continued our online training for a while.’’   ‘We will provide courses in many fields’   Stating that with the passing to the normalization period, they enriched the workshops they will teach in the new registration period, Kibar said: ‘’At the moment, we will start giving face-to-face training again with normalization. For this, we have started our new registration periods. Throughout the education process, we will give our baglama, guitar, violin, hammered dulcimer, painting, photography, erbane, trap drum, and halay courses. In this process, we will provide trainings to women, children and adults.’’   Pointing out that they have been organizing workshops and courses in many fields within their centers since 2003, Kibar continued her words as follows: ‘’In our cultural center, trainings were given in many fields. This includes workshops within the scope of cultural and art festivals. By participating in the workshops and undertaking the training of the workshops, artists dealing with different fields of art were trained. And now, many of those artists are giving education in the field of art at the cultural center. We are still working in the same place. We are working to develop Kurdish identity, culture and music.’’   ‘We continue to maintain our culture’   Saying that they received a lot of applications especially in the field of baglama, guitar and halay, Kibar stated:‘’This is a historical place, and we provide our training within these historical textures within cultural values. At the same time, we continue to maintain our culture by reflecting our cultural values in the painting, photography, music and halay trainings we have given in these historical textures. We invite all women, children and youth to join our courses as soon as possible to protect their culture.’’