New exhibition themed Musa Anter from ‘Metal Collective’ art group 2021-10-15 15:26:26     Sema Çağlak   DİYARBAKIR - ‘’Metal Collective’’ women’s art group will come together with art-lovers with an exhibition about the life of Musa Anter.   With the art group they call ‘’Metal Collective’’, women have brought their works together with art- lovers since 2018, and they have produced many works to date. Tens of women, each working in a different profession and interested in a different branch of art, are cooperating in Metal Collective. The first work of the group was the exhibition themed ‘’Migration and Women’’. Continuing to work in various workshops since its establishment, women will meet with art lovers this time with an exhibition dealing with the life of Musa Anter. The exhibition to be held at Amed City Theater will meet with art lovers tomorrow. We talked with Hediye Yaşar, who is in the group about the exhibition, which will be open until October 26, about the content and purpose of the exhibition.   Expressing that they carried out various readings and workshops for the exhibition on the life of Musa Anter, Hediye said that they had five workshops in a period of seven months and that they would exhibit the products produced in the workshop in October. Stating that the women in the Metal Collective group work in many different fields and one of these fields is industry, Hediye stated that they produce metal objects here, that is why they named the group ‘’Metal Collective’’.   ‘Women are beyond these definitions’   Hediye stated that people attribute some meanings to objects, but that objects have a meaning beyond these definitions, said: ‘’We attribute some meanings to objects. For example, when we say metal, we think of solid and cold. Actually it is not, it is something we thought. Metal is solid. However, we humans assign meanings to objects. All this goes beyond the meanings we have defined. Likewise, there are many definitions on women. Women are constantly described as being more naive or soft. Women are actually something beyond these definitions. So we women are beyond fragile or naive. First of all, the woman has to realize this. There is a strong side in women as in all beings, as in humans. It forms a bit of a crosswise thing that we associated the group with metal.’’   ‘Working related to Musa Anter was challenging’   Hediye explained the reason why they chose Musa Anter as the theme of the exhibition: ‘’Musa Anter has created something completely different with his touches in every area he enters. Space didn't matter to him. He valued people very much. And he was struggling for this. He saw what was done to the oppressed Kurdish people and did not want this. He was trying to do it purely through human emotions. All this impressed me a lot. Working about Musa Anter was also challenging from someplace. Because it was important to convey it correctly. Our previous work was about immigration. Migration is also a very sensitive issue. It should not hurt anyone or people who have experienced this in these two areas. Neither the work on Musa Anter nor the work we do on migration should be an area for people to advertise. There must be such good feelings, pure feelings, that it should reach its destination.’’