Call from farmer women: Let’s get organized 2021-10-15 12:39:23     Melike Aydın    MANİSA - Emphasizing the organization of women whose labor are exploited in agricultural production, both as women and vocationally, farmer women emphasize that more struggle should be for this.   The pioneers of natural life, women have an important share in agricultural production with their labor. Women, who provide the continuity of life with their labor in the field of agriculture, are now employed in agricultural activities as cheap labor. In order to draw attention to the experiences of women who were forced to work in the fields and were not seen their effort for years, the International Agricultural Producers Association declared October 15 as World Farmer Women’s Day. In Turkey, this day has been celebrated since 1997. The United Nations (UN) recognized this day as an official celebration day in 2008.   ‘Women’s role in rural economy is important’   The International Labor Organization (ILO) also states on World Farmer Women’s Day: ‘’Women play a large and important role in the rural economy as farmers, wage workers and entrepreneurs. Women also take responsibility for the well-being of family members, including bringing home food and caring for children and the elderly. On the other hand, rural women face restrictions in terms of participation in economic activities due to gender-based discrimination and social rules, unpaid employment, inequality in access to education, health services, property, finance and other fields.’’ By saying these, ILO draws attention to the problems faced by farmer women.   Women are exposed to exploitation   In Turkey, today, women working in the agricultural field are called seasonal workers. The labor of women who work in the fields and produce has been exposed to more exploitation in recent years. The prominent demands of farmer women, who have experienced the economic crisis with the decline in agricultural production due to the impact of global climate change along with the ecological destruction, are the right to speak, organization and secured work.   Both gender and occupational organization   Farmer women living in Adalı village in Salihli district of Manisa stated that agro-business and the market economy negatively affect farming, and they emphasize the necessity of organizing both gender and vocationally in the face of these effects.   Income does not cover expenses   Farmer women can not meet the expenses because they cannot sell the products they produce in the face of the high expenses such as diesel, manure, electricity, credit and insurance, which have increased with the effect of the economic crisis, or they express that the income they earn is not enough to cover the expenses.   Not enough daily wage   Firdevs Beyazçiçek, a 30-year farmer, states that the products she produces are in their hands due to the cessation of export. Expressing that the real winner in production is the intermediary, Firdevs said: ‘’We are both farmers and workers. I both look after cows and work with workers. I am doing everything. We do not win, the intermediaries do. More women work in the field. In spite of that, they do not receive a recompense for their work. Daily wage is not enough.’’   ‘It will change if we organize’   Pointing out that healthy food cannot be reached with the decrease in agricultural production, Firdevs said: ‘’If agriculture ends, we buy it from outside. But if we organize, it changes. Women are so oppressed. Let the women organize too. If we get organized, it will change.’’   No women in decision-making processes   Noting that men are more dominant in decision-making processes in the field of agriculture, Firdevs said that this may change in the future. “There is change, we are better than before,’’ Firdevs adds.   ‘Worker of agro-business’   60-year-old Sebahat Kalan, who draws attention to the importance of the labor put into every product they produce, states that because of this, farmers have become impoverished and they have to sell their fields to wealthier people or industrialists. Sebahat stated that farming is gradually decreasing and explained the reason for this. ‘’The factory has increased, we do not know who produces it. But the workers, the surrounding villages. There are no young people left to farm in the village anyway. The youngest of the women work the most,’’ she says.    No support for women farmers   Another farmer, Hayel Aydın, notes that most of the women work in agriculture, and the daily wages are not enough to make a living. Expressing that women farmers are not supported, Hayel said that the products they produce are bought at low prices by the Agriculture and Credit Cooperative. Pointing out that the state produces additional items as well as increasing external dependence, such as banning the use of heirloom, and Hayel draws attention to the fact that farmer women who are concerned about livelihood do not want hybrid seeds. Hayel stated: ‘’Women support the economy of the house. Women are more sensitive to educate children. Women claim to the country and fight against the Geothermal Power Plant (GPP). GPP means the death of the soil after 20 years.’’   They want assurance and organization   Saying that women working in the fields are seen as agricultural workers, not farmers, Hayel finally stated: ‘’The situation of women in general is not good. Men have right to speak at home, women are one step behind men. Women progressed when they were far behind, but it is not enough. Farmer women demand insurance. Have assurance. Because the assurance is provided through her spouse. This woman is also a worker, a farmer. She wants to have social rights. The organization of women in unions should increase. I will be a member of the Farmers Union as soon as possible. Organized struggle is always good, both in terms of gender and work.’’