‘Shorts and pajama ban’ for women students in dormitory! 2021-10-13 16:19:11   IZMIR - In Cihannüma KYK dormitory, the wearing of shorts and pajama were prohibited for women students outside the room.   Women students staying in the Izmir Cihannüma Credit and Dormitories Institution (KYK) dormitories were banned from wearing pajama and shorts outside the room, on the grounds that it was ‘’nonethical’’. Stating that the ban also applies in the dormitory garden and eating hall, the students said that they talked to the dormitory officials many times about the issue, but they could not get a result.   ‘We do not accept’   Making a statement on the subject in their virtual media accounts, Campus Witches reacted to the ban and shared the following: ‘’We do not accept the moralism and discrimination imposed on us in our living spaces and dormitories! You cannot interfere with what we wear where! We want equal and safe dormitories!’’