Harassment to woman looking for work by AKP’s Naci Bilici 2021-10-13 15:25:58     NEWS CENTER - In Whatsapp correspondences published after TUGVA documents, it was revealed that AKP’s Naci Bilici harassed a woman looking for a job.   In the documents allegedly leaked from the Turkey Youth Foundation (TUGVA), messages emerged that Naci Bilici, who was the district president in the Justice and Development Party (AKP), harassed a woman looking for a job. A person who allegedly parted ways after working at TUGVA continued to send documents and correspondences (messages) belonging to a foundation close to the AKP to Yücel Cihan, who uses the name Metin Cihan on Twitter.   One of the most recent correspondences is that Naci Bilici, who is AKP Yüksekova District President, harassed a woman looking for a job.   The correspondence, which was stated to belong to Naci Bilici, was shared by many users on Twitter. Metin Cihan, who shared the related messages on his Twitter account, added the note ‘’Happy march in TUGVA’’.   After the correspondence was published on Twitter, it was stated that AKP’s Naci Bilici closed his account.