97 women enter to Iraqi Parliament 2021-10-13 14:15:08     NEWS CENTER - The certain results of the Iraqi elections will be announced in 20 days. However, according to the first determinations, 97 women were entitled to enter the parliament.   In the controversial election held on October 10 in Iraq, only 41 percent of the electorate voted. While the voter turnout was the lowest, the Iraqi Election Commission announced that the final results of the Iraqi Parliament elections would be announced 20 days later.   97 women entitled to enter parliament   According to the first determination of the General Secretariat of the Iraqi Council of Ministers, 97 women were entitled to enter the parliament. “Iraqi women succeed in to win 97 seats, the 14-seat increase from the set women’s quota, including two winners from minorities,’’ the secretariat’s statement said.   24 female candidates were elected from the Federated Kurdistan Region   Of the 97 women who succeed in entering the parliament, 24 were elected from the Federated Kurdistan Region. 17 women from Kurdish parties in Hewlêr, Sulaymaniyah and Duhok, and seven women in Mosul, Kirkuk, and Xanekin succeed in entering the parliament.   According to the first figures released by the Iraqi Independent High Election Commission, Kurdish parties won a total of 61 seats in the early general elections held on October 10 in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. 10 of the 32 parliamentarians of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), nine of the 15 parliamentarians of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and five of the nine parliamentarians of the New Generation Movement were elected female parliamentarians. While 12 of the women elected from the cities in the Federated Kurdistan Region entered the parliament with the votes they received without a quota, five women were entitled to enter the parliament by taking advantage of the quota.   2 Kakai women in Iraqi Parliament   In the Iraqi parliamentary elections, for the first time, Kurdish Kakais, two of whom are women, were entitled to become parliamentarians. KDP’s candidate, Necwe Hamid Kakeyi, was elected as a parliamentarian with 10.019 votes in Kirkuk second region, and Ehlam Remezan, candidate of the Kurdistan Alliance (PUK-Goran), 4.910 votes from Nineveh.   First time, Kurdish woman won in Saladin   The Kurdish candidate won for the first time since Saddam Hussein was overthrown in 2003 in the elections in Saladin. Kerim Şükur who is candidate of the Kurdistan Alliance, which formed by the Goran Movement under the leading of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Co-chair Bafil Talabani, received enough votes to win one of the four seats in Xurmatu in Saladin’s fourth electoral district. PUK’s Hemrin Office announced that Kerim Şükür won more than 11,000 votes, according to the results announced.   Kurdish woman candidate winning in Diyala   Parties competed for 14 seats in Diyala and tried to send their candidates to the parliament. In Diyala, where the Arab lists are ahead and the candidates won, Sozan Husên Mensûr, nominated by the PUK, won the right to become a parliamentarian by receiving the highest number of votes.