Oppression increases on prisoners in Diyarbakır Prison 2021-10-13 12:28:53     DİYARBAKIR - Oppression and violence against political prisoners increased in Diyarbakır Prison. The prisoners called for a voice against these oppressions.   While new rights violations against prisoners in prisons in Turkey and the region are being added every day, these oppressions have reached the highest level especially recently. Although the prisoners frequently publicize their experiences in phone calls with their families or in closed visits, there is no regulation from the authorities regarding this situation.   While violations of rights increased in Diyarbakır F1 and F2 Prisons, the prisoners drew attention to the fact that they were subjected to systematic torture. The prisoners said: ‘’Standardized shaving is imposed. Hot water is not provided. There are arbitrary oppressions on the wards. The food is bad and the sick prisoners are not treated. The guards locked the door on us for one day and threatened us by saying, ‘We are influential here, we do whatever we want’.’’   The prisoners called for sensitivity in the face of the practices against them and asked not to be left alone.