Attack attempt from far-right group in Istanbul University 2021-10-11 16:55:12     ISTANBUL -  At Istanbul University, a far-right group of 30 attempted to attack students with different views on the campus. The students, who were blockaded by the police, called for sensitivity, stating that they do not have a life safety.   A group of far-right (grey wolves) at Istanbul University attempted to attack students with different views on the main campus of the university. Thereupon, the police blockaded the students. Students are not allowed to leave the school.   A group awaits outside the campus   One of the students, who was exposed to attack attempt by the fascist group, reached our agency and informed that they are still under the police blockade, that the far-right group inside the campus is about 30 people, and that a different group has arrived outside the campus. Stating that they were about 30 people and they could not leave the school, the student shared that the far-right group was around with slogans and the police did not intervene.   Stating that they do not have a life safety, the students called for sensitivity.