Women speak on anniversary of conspiracy: We want our leadership’s freedom 2021-10-09 10:33:11       VAN - Women who said that the international conspiracy and aggravated isolation that has been going on for 23 years against PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan must come to an end, said: ‘’We have a great role and duty.’’   The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan was forced to leave Syria with an international conspiracy on October 9, 1998. He was brought to Turkey on February 15, 1999. 23 years have passed since the conspiracy against Abdullah Öcalan. Abdullah Öcalan, who was kept under heavy isolation conditions in the Imralı High-security F-Type Prison after he was brought to Turkey, continues to find a correspond in the eyes of the society regarding his determinations regarding women in particular and the solution of social problems.   Stating that the isolation on Abdullah Öcalan continues on the anniversary of the international conspiracy, the women emphasized that there should be a struggle for justice. Pointing out that they are empowered by the women's libertarian paradigm, women said, "We women have a great role and duty" to end the isolation that has been going on for 23 years. In the Saray district of Van, women spoke about the anniversary of the conspiracy against Abdullah Öcalan and the ongoing isolation.   ‘20 years have passed, AKP still hasn’t gone’   Pointing out that the AKP’s policies of ignoring and denying the Kurds turned into rhetoric such as ‘’my Kurdish siblings’’ as the election approached, Selma said: ‘’I was six-year-old and the AKP came to power. It has been 20 years, still not gone. AKP says ‘my Kurdish siblings’; Regarding Ape Musa’s saying, ‘Kurds and Turks are siblings’, ‘Kurds and Turks are like flesh and nails! But we Kurds have always been the side of nails. We were cut off when it got too long.’’   ‘We want Abdullah Öcalan’s freedom’   Pointing out that the CHP’s denial policies towards Kurds have continued throughout history, Selma said: ‘’Kurdish denial has been deepening since the history of the republic. They were promised life together. However, it was always genocide and massacre that was imposed on the Kurds. From Dersim to Mutki. From Mutki to Roboski, the massacre policies on the Kurds continue. As women, we want Abdullah Öcalan’s freedom.’’   ‘We are proud with our struggle’   Hamide Özay said: ‘’I hope we will regain our freedom when Kurdish unity is achieved. Good days are near. As Kurdish women, we want the freedom of our leadership. We are proud with our struggle.’’   ‘If we struggle together, our leadership will be liberated’   Emphasizing the necessity of the Kurds to act together, Hazal Özay continued as follows: ‘’Everyone should put their hand to their conscience. When we put our hands on our conscience, the Erdoğan government will change. The Kurdish people are liberated. If we struggle together. If we unite, our leadership will be liberated. What did our politicians do, they are kept in prison. They are in prison now just because they demanded their rights. We do not accept this. We want our right. All politicians should be free.’’   ‘Let the isolation be lifted’   Yıldız Çalışkan used the following statements: ‘’All we worry about is Abdullah Öcalan. Abdullah Öcalan is our soul. We love him very much. The Kurdish people should be together. It's been years and we haven't heard any news. Let the isolation be lifted. It’s enough.’’