Hearing of lawyer Newroz Uysal adjourned 2021-10-08 15:14:13   DİYARBAKIR - The hearing of lawyer Newroz Uysal, held within the scope of DTK, has been adjourned.   The 3rd hearing of Asrın Law Office lawyer Newroz Uysal, who was tried for ‘’membership in a terrorist organization’’ within the scope of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) investigation, was held at the Diyarbakır 10th High Criminal Court. While Newroz did not attend the hearing, her lawyers Gulan Çağın Kaleli, Mesut Beştaş and Mehdi Özdemir were present.   Search warrants requested   By defending, Gulan stated that they requested the search and seizure warrants regarding the searches made at the DTK, that they submitted the written defense of the client and that his client went abroad due to her profession. Therefore, she demanded that the ban be lifted.   The prosecution said that they had nothing to say about the documents read and demanded that the request for the removal of the ban on abroad be rejected.    The court board decided to write a re-negotiation to the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the sending of the decisions of the Magistrates Court regarding the hearing and continuation within the scope of Code of Criminal Procedure Article 135. It was decided to request the search warrant issued by the Magistrates Court regarding the search made on October 9, 2018, at the address of the DTK, where the documents related to the DTK, which is alleged to belong to Newroz, were seized. It was decided to send the decisions of the prosecutor’s office and judgship regarding the confiscation of the said documents, and to request the Diyarbakır Geographical Information System. Again, it is understood that the raw version of the tape recordings reflected in the indictment belongs to Newroz was brought to file in session recess. It was decided to appoint a translator who understands Kurdish in the expert list in order to translate the Kurdish conversations in the related listening recordings into Turkish. In addition, the court rejected the request for the removal of the travel ban on Newroz by considering the content of the document regarding the alleged DTK delegacy, tape records and the actions stated to have participated. The court adjourned the next hearing to February 2, 2022.