Lake Van gives alarm 2021-10-08 11:31:01     VAN - Lake Van gives alarm due to drought occurred with climate change, domestic wastes, hydroelectric power plants, and dams. Describing the dangerous situation the lake is facing as a ‘disaster’, ÇEV-DER Vice-Chairperson Arzu Dinçer drew attention to the extinction of tens of endemic species unless precautions are taken.   It was determined that in some parts of Lake Van, the water was ebbed by one to two kilometers, and the water level decreased to three meters. According to the findings of Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Aquaculture, the highest ebb has occurred to date. Arzu Dinçer, Vice-Chairperson of Board of the Van Branch of the Historical Artifacts Preservation Research and Progress Association (ÇEV-DER), said that the waters of the lake, pond, dam have been ebbed in Lake Van due to climate change, global warming and drought. She asked the authorities to show sensitivity to this.   The lake is getting smaller   Stating that the water is decreasing day by day due to the domestic wastes thrown into the lake, Arzu said: ‘’1800/lt per second, 57.000 cubic meters of domestic waste and sewage are ejected into the lake. Advance biological treatment in Lake Van needs to operate at full capacity. Domestic wastes and sewage from 19 large streams are ejected into Lake Van. The Coastal Law No. 3621 is occupied by all official institutions, especially the law makers, and the coastline is filled, causing a decrease in water. Due to climate change, global warming and drought in Lake Van, the waters of lakes, ponds and dams are ebbed. Drought and rising temperatures in the Van Lake basin have reached alarm level. Experts say that the basin is getting drought, the rainfall is rapidly evaporating, and Lake Van is getting smaller, and there is an ebbed of about three kilometers. This is a disaster in itself. All the lakes in Van Özalp have dried. Akgöl, Değirmigöl, Lake Sıhke and Zernek Dam are drying.   Endemic species are in danger   Stating that the destruction caused by Hydroelectric Power Plants is almost fierce, Arzu said: ‘’For example, the ecological destruction caused by the Hydroelectric Power Plants in Erciş, Zilan Stream causes the historical memory to be erased, hundreds of endemic plant species and tens of endemic species to be extinct. The dam built in Erciş Koçkiri causes the extinction of tons of fish, and the gold production that wants to be made in Zilan Stream causes the pollution of groundwaters. Due to the drought due to the global climate crisis, not only Lake Van, but also lakes and dams of all sizes around it dried up and almost turned into a desert. Poaching is another problem in Lake Van. All the reeds around Lake Van have dried up as a result of drought. This means that the bird, the fish, and the animals living there be starved. This causes hundreds of living things to migrate.’’   ‘No precaution taken’   Stating that there is a serious water ebbing due to drought and climate change, Arzu said: ‘’If this continues, the pearl mullet and other fishes are facing extinction. As ÇEV-DER, although we have submitted the protection laws to the parliament many times, sufficient precaution have not been taken. As ÇEV-DER, we say that we will struggle for Lake Van until the end. People need to be sensitive about environmental pollution. People need to be made aware of this. If Turkey’s largest lake has decreased by three meters, we state that measures should be taken.’’