Response to lawyers’ objection: Kurdish song seen as threat to prison 2021-10-07 16:22:29     ELAZIĞ - After Kurdish politicians Leyla Güven and Hülya Alökmen objected to the punishment for singing in Kurdish, their request to speak Kurdish at the hearing for the examination was also denied. In its response to the objection made by the lawyers, the judgship saw singing in Kurdish as a threat.   Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Leyla Güven and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Provincial Co-Chair Hülya Alökmen objected to the Elazığ Office of Judge of Execution against the decision to ban communication and meeting for singing and dancing the halay. The objection against the decision of the Elazığ Women’s Closed Prison administration was examined with a hearing on September 15. In the hearing they attended, Leyla and Hülya demanded to make a defense in Kurdish. However, the judge stated that Leyla and Hülya spoke Turkish and could defend themselves in Kurdish only if the translator’s fee was paid by them. The two politicians refused to pay the translator’s fee.   Their lawyers later objected to the Elazığ Office of Judge of Execution regarding the situation. The judgship gave a reasoned decision on the objection. In the decision, it was stated that the songs that Leyla, Hülya and the women with them sang in their wards were perceived as a threat to the prison. Regarding this threat, it was noted in the decision of the Disciplinary Board of the Penal Institution that it aimed to prevent the disruption of order and security with a disciplinary punishment in accordance with the nature of the action, the procedure and the law. The judgship also decided to reject the objection of the prisoner and the prisoner’s attorney.