Foza Yusif: KDP should give up from conspiracies 2021-10-05 14:25:59   NEWS CENTER - Foza Yusif, a member of the PYD Co-Presidency Committee, who reacted to the KDP’s attempt to occupy Shengal, said that the KDP should give up taking part in the conspiracies.   Before the early elections to be held in Iraq on October 10, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) wants to take the Iraqi Army and settle in Shengal under the name of election work. Despite the public’s reaction, the KDP is building bases around Shengal in order to carry out the October 9 agreement it signed with the Baghdad Government. The people of Shengal, who took to the streets against the KDP’s pursuit to enter Shengal on October 2, emphasized that they will protect the Autonomous Administration.   Speaking to Hawar News Agency (ANHA) on the subject, Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co-Presidency Committee Member Foza Yusif said that it is a national duty to protect the will of the Shengal people. Condemning the KDP’s ambush of seven People’s Defense Forces (HPG) members in Xelifan on August 29, killing five and detaining one, Foza said: ‘’These attacks serve the Turkish state. It legitimizes the occupation of Kurdistan and divides Kurdistan.’’   Pointing out that the KDP made alliances to destroy the Shengal Autonomous Administration, Foza said: ‘’The KDP should respect the will of the Shengal Autonomous Administration. Trying to control Shengal by military means will cause great dangers. This is the result of dirty alliances. The KDP should give up taking part in these conspiracies.’’   ‘Shengal is not alone’   Reminding that thousands of people lost their lives for the liberation of Shengal from ISIS, Foza said: ‘’As the people of Rojava, we consider ourselves responsible for Shengal. The Shengal is never alone. It is our national duty to protect the will of the Shengal people. We see the attacks on Shengal as an attack on our national values. Rojava will not remain silent on this.’’   ‘Our people should clarify their stance’   Foza concluded her words as follows: ‘’Shengal is the dignity of the Kurdish people. The people of Northern and Eastern Syria should mobilize to protect their dignity. Just as we stopped the edict in 2014, we will stop the new edicts. Our people should clarify their stance against the dirty plans against Shengal.’’