Shengal Autonomous Administration: We will defend ourselves against attacks 2021-10-04 10:14:39     NEWS CENTER - Shengal Autonomous Administration announced that they will defend themselves, emphasizing that they will not remain unanswered in case of an attack by the KDP to invade Shengal with a greater force and to the people.   Shengal Democratic Autonomous Administration made a press statement on the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) efforts to transfer its armed forces to Shengal. The statement, made with the participation of Autonomous Administration officials and members of the Shengal Tribe Leaders Union, was made in Sinun, Shengal.   In the statement made by Shengal Democratic Autonomous Assembly Co-chair Merwan Bedel, drawing attention to the agreement signed in Shengal between the governments of Baghdad and Hewlêr on October 9, 2020, it was noted that the efforts of the KDP to settle in Shengal increased after 9 October, but these efforts were frustrated.   ‘Part of the anti-Shengal agreement’   The statement stated that the KDP tried to concentrate its forces in Shengal, showing reason the Iraqi Parliament elections, and said: ‘’There are elections and propaganda activities on the agenda of Shengal. So far, no one running the election campaign in Shengal has faced any obstacles. October 2, in Shengal, blocking the way of the KDP delegation had been on the agenda for 20 days. Members of the KDP’s 17th Office were requested to return to Shengal. Responsible for this office is Aştî Koçer. Efforts to return this office were also part of the anti-Shengal agreement.’’ Underlining that this policy against the Yazidis is unacceptable, the statement said that before the KDP forces’ efforts to come to Shengal, they met with KDP officials and warned them not to come to Shengal.   ‘They want to use the shrine as a base’   Pointing out that the KDP did not heed the warnings and tried to enter Shengal within a so-called legal framework, using the election as a justification for itself, the statement said the KDP wanted to use the Yazidi shrines as a party base. In the statement, it was pointed out that high-position Yazidi religious people were blocked by the KDP when they wanted to go to the Şerfedîn Shrine, and said: ‘’The officers of the 17th Office want to use the shrine as a base. We did not accept this.’’   ‘They are preparing to transfer the peshmerga to Shengal’   In the statement that drew attention to the agreement between the KDP and Iraq, the following statements were used: ‘’We told Iraq that we would not accept it. But the Iraqi authorities considered the coming of KDP forces in Shengal as legal within the scope of election propaganda. Now they say, Why don’t you let our candidates make propaganda? If the electoral process were carried out democratically everywhere, they would see that there is no one who recognizes more about democracy than we do. Since they do not allow our Yazidi parties to work here, we do not allow them either. But their come does not related with the election. They want to open a base here. They are preparing to transfer a large peshmerga force to Shengal.’’   What happened 2 days ago?   The armed forces affiliated with the KDP wanted to pass to Shengal with the support of the Iraqi army on October 2, together with the two KDP candidates. KDP candidates claimed that they came to Shengal as part of election propaganda. The people of Shengal reacted harshly to this situation and stated that this much military force did not come for the election. KDP forces took a step back due to the discomfort of the people.