TMA Human Rights Branch member Benan Koyuncu dismissed 2021-10-01 14:30:06     ANKARA - Doctor Benan Koyuncu, a member of the TMA Human Rights Branch, was dismissed with decree-law. Sharing on her digital media account on the subject, Benan said: ‘’Do not be sad, do not let your anger cool. We will not cool our anger, we have a life to take.’’   Benan Koyuncu, a member of the Human Rights Branch of the Turkish Medical Association (TMA), a member of the Ankara Medical Chamber and a specialist doctor working at Çankırı State Hospital, was dismissed from her job by the Ministry of Health with a decree-law. The decision was published in the Official Gazette.   The following statements were included in the notification made by the Çankırı Governorship Provincial Health Directorate: ‘’According to the letter dated 29.09.2021 and numbered 17834 of the General Directorate of Management Services of the Ministry of Health, with Article 26 of the Law on Making Amendments to some Laws and Decree Laws having into force, published in the Official Gazette dated 31.07.2018 and numbered 7145, personnel employed in all kinds of cadres, positions, and status (including workers) subject to Law No. 657 which was in the 9th paragraph of the article (B) of the Temporary Article 35 added to the Decree Law No. 375, she/he is dismissed from public office with the approval of the relevant minister, upon the proposal of the board formed by the affiliated, related or related minister under the chairmanship of the highest manager of the relevant institution or organization. It is the document indicating that the decision on dismissal from public service with the Minister’s approval dated 24.09.2021 and numbered 286, prepared as a result of the evaluation made by the board based on this provision, has been notified.’’   ‘We will not cool our anger’   Announcing the decision on her digital media account, Benan stated that she was once again threatened with her job after July 15 and said: ‘’I know that I will turn back once again. For the last two years, while working without permission and rest, I have been dealing with emergency service patients on the one side and pandemic patients on the other. Of course, being dismissed with a piece of paper on top of all these increases your anger. But that are not my main reason for anger. As I was leaving the hospital today, the sadness of my health workers friends came down me. A message was sent to them through me. Shush, look, we will fire you like her. It was said to do your medical examination in five minutes and do not talk too much. What were you told about the injustice of performance, 3600 additional indicators, the law of violence in health. My friend, whose hand I shaked to say goodbye today, said goodbye to me by telling me about a different problem. Here I repeat what I said to them; Do not be sad, do not let your anger cool. We will not cool our anger, we have a life to take.’’