One woman and her two children die suspiciously in Iskenderun 2021-09-30 12:56:18     HATAY - In Iskenderun, Aynur Mert and her two children, whose relatives could not reach, were found suspiciously dead in their home.   Aynur Mert and her two children lived in an apartment in Denizciler Neighborhood in the Iskenderun district of Hatay. Relatives, who could not reach them, reported the situation to the police. Upon being informed, the police entered the house last night and found Aynur and her two children dead.   The funerals of Aynur and her two children, who were suspected to have died due to poisoning due to a substance they ate or breathed, were taken to the morgue of Iskenderun State Hospital for autopsy.   The reasons for the death of Aynur and her two children will be determined after the autopsy.   While there was no news from Turgay Mert, the father who was learned to be a military personnel, an investigation was started regarding the incident.