Protest from students removed from dormitory in Dersim 2021-09-28 15:44:38   DERSİM - Students staying in Tunceli Females’ Dormitory as substitutes were removed from dormitory at midnight. Students protested the dormitory management.   At the Tunceli Females’ Dormitory located in the Atatürk Neighborhood of Dersim center, the students were removed from dormitory at midnight by the dormitory staff. Hundreds of students gathered in front of the dormitory and protested.   The students showed their reactions with the slogan ‘’Don’t silent, as long as you keep quiet, it will be your turn’’ accompanied by applause and whistles.   Students staying in Munzur Males’ Dormitory, located in the same campus, also marched in front of the Females’ Dormitory to support the action. After the protests in front of the building, the students this time marched towards the Ehlibeyt Females’ Dormitory. The students said with whistles and applause along the way, ‘’We will take our right to shelter by force.’’   The students who shouted slogans by constantly clapping and whistling to draw attention to the housing problems they experienced, also supported by the citizens who went to their balconies and windows with applause. While the students were expressing their reactions until 03:30 am, they ended the protest after doing a sit-in for a while.