‘Jinnews is continuator of tradition of women’s press and 4 years old’ 2021-09-25 11:11:16     NEWS CENTER - The struggle of women against the male system continues against the masculine codes in journalism dating back thousands of years. In this sense, women's journalism, which started in the mid-1800s, when The Lily, the first women journalism, progressed to the founding of the world’s first women's news agency, JINHA, and then Jinnews.   Communication history is a field that develops in parallel with the history of humanity. Sources indicate that the first news gathering and distribution newspaper was the Acta Diurna, which was issued by the Roman Senate in 59 B.C. in 2000 copies and distributed to different parts of the empire. Acta Diurna was created by engraving the inscription on metal or stone plates. The palace circular called “Kai Yuan Za Bao”, which started to be distributed during the Tang Dynasty in China, is also considered a newspaper in this respect, as it includes news about the achievements of the mandarins.   Paper printing first newspaper 400 years ago   The discovery of the printing house in the 15th century also made a leap in the history of journalism. After a few pages of war news were published first-hand by those who witnessed the wars in Europe in the 16th century, the first periodicals were published in the 17th century. The World Association of Newspapers acknowledges that the world’s first paper-printed newspaper was published in Strasbourg in 1605. Johann Carolus, who wrote down the information he collected from travelers at that time on old pieces of paper, asked the Strasburg City Council to give him permission in 1605 to officially print his article titled ‘’The decent and interesting relativity of history’’. And with the permission, the first newspaper is published: Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien.   First censorship period   The content of the first newspaper, which was sourced by travelers, consisted mostly of events that took place in the world. These included content such as the pirate attacks in the Mediterranean, the latest developments about the Pope and the Vatican, and the invention of binoculars. However, the articles on domestic politics or social events in the first newspapers were censored on the grounds that they ‘’could be critical’’.   Even though censorship has been partially overcome with the development of printing, the practice of pressure for this purpose in every period and the insistence on continuing the profession against it have came to this day.   First newspaper: The Lily   The connection between communication, social life and technological development and the development of journalism is also found in the tradition of women’s struggle and women’s newspaper and journalism. One of the cornerstones of women’s newspaper and journalism history is The Lily, the women's newspaper whose first issue was published in the United States (US) on January 1, 1849. Founded by Amelia Bloomer, The Lily is only released by Amelia in its first year. After she began working with suffragettes Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony in 1850, the writings focus on the struggle for women’s rights.   After Lily, the newspapers and journals published by women come one after another. The Una (1853-1855), edited by Paulina Wright Davis, Ann W. Spencer’s The Pioneer and Woman’s Advocate, the first issue of which was published in 1852, Lydia Hasbrouck’s publication The Sibyl (1856-1864), which had an important place in the dress reform and perhaps the most radical women’s newspaper, The Revolution, founded in 1868 by Susan B. Anthony can be counted as examples.   ‘Newspaper Especial for Women’ in the Ottoman Period   The first publication about women in the Ottoman period was the ‘’Newspaper Especial for Women’’. Although its name is a newspaper, this periodical, which started to be published in 1895, was published twice a week until its 150th issue, and then once a week. ‘’Newspaper Especial for Women’’, which continued its existence until 1906, is therefore also considered as a journal. While the number of publications by women increased after the establishment of the Republic, one of them was the Women's Newspaper, which continued its publications between 1947 and 1962. Women’s journalism in Turkey, where journals occupy more space than newspapers, has become more visible with the development of the digital atmosphere. Women took more radical steps against the masculine structure and language that is dominant in the media as well as in society. One of these steps was pioneered by Kurdish women.   The world’s first women news agency: JINHA   A group of journalists in Diyarbakır broke new ground on March 8, 2012. Women founded Jin (Women) News Agency, the world's first female news agency. JINHA was also the dream of journalist Ayfer Serçe (Şilan Aras), who went to Iranian Kurdistan to investigate women’s suicides and was killed by Iranian soldiers between 19-23 July 2006 after her research. The women, who set out by saying ‘’And we write, we write without thinking about what men might say’’, started broadcasting with a woman point of view against the masculine language of the media, with the claim of changing this language. All staff of the agency, from reporters to technical services, from editors to legal advisors and accounting, were composed of women.   Organizing correspondent networks in the region, Turkey, the Middle East and the world in a short time, JINHA managed to become a medium where women’s organizations raise their demands and rebellions. JINHA, which is the "continuation of the tradition of free press" with its language against male-state violence, was closed with the Decree Law enacted on October 29 following the coup attempt on July 15, 2016. However, the closure of the agency did not stop the journalist women. Journalist women in professional organizations created their own unique structures in their unions and societies.   Newspaper Şûjin   After the closure of JINHA, Newspaper Şûjin started its publication life in December 2016. In essence, Şûjin continued JINHA’s publishing goal: to change the masculine language of the media. Şûjin was also closed with the Decree Law No. 693 on August 25, 2017.   Jinnews 4 years old    While the pressures on the free press tradition continued, women's journalism was also the target of these pressures. After JINHA and Newspaper Şûjin, women decided to establish and convey the women’s agenda with a new news agency. This decision became concrete with the founding of Jinnews on September 25, 2017. Jinnews, which has made its mission to say ‘’Women are everywhere’’ with its news and resources against the masculinization of all areas of life, welcomes its 4th year on the road it set out with the slogan ‘’On the path to truth, with women’s pen’’. Jinnews, which is based on women-oriented journalism by feeding on the women’s struggle and history, has been the target of pressures like the women’s press organizations it is a successor of.   The website of the agency, whose reporters were detained and arrested tens of times, was blocked 41 times by court orders. However, the agency carries forward its publishing, which has been going on for 4 years, by growing…