Statement from HDP Youth Council against prostitution and drug 2021-09-14 09:18:10       DİYARBAKIR - HDP Youth Council, which made a statement to draw attention to the fight to be developed against drugs and prostitution in Fiskaya, announced that they would increase the struggle against special war practices.   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Council members wanted to organize a feast in Ferit Pavilion to draw attention to the increasing drug and prostitution in the region. Faced with the obstruction of the police, the youth made a statement as a reaction. HDP Diyarbakır MP Dersim Dağ, HDP Provincial Organization and many young people attended the statement.   Reminding the HDP Youth Council’s campaign against the special war that is being conducted on prostitution and drug, Dersim said: ‘’Our youth council in Fiskaya wanted to raise awareness among the public with songs and halays. But the polices waited here for hours. They make it difficult for the youth not to make a statement.’’   ‘We will not allow’   Dersim condemned the police’s attitude and used the following statements: ‘’It is this mentality that tries to spread the special war among the people and spreads prostitution and addiction to the youth. We will continue to fight against this mentality. From now on, we will fight against this mentality as both young women’s councils, youth councils, HDP and all Kurds. No matter what happens, we will not allow prostitution and addiction in our society. Regardless, we will expose this policy and this approach. Once again, I condemn this approach.’’ Youth left there with the slogans ‘’Don’t be addicted, be free’’, ‘’Pressures cannot intimidate us’’.