‘Justice’ vigil on its 189th day: Justice will win 2021-09-13 16:01:58     URFA - Emine and Ferit Şenyaşar, who have been on ‘’justice’’ vigil for 189 days, started their vigil in front of the courthouse today. Ferit, reacting to the lawsuit filed against his mother, said: ‘’This mother is everyone’s mother. This case is everyone’s case.’’   The ‘’justice’’ vigil in front of the Urfa Courthouse of Emine Şenyaşar, who lost her husband and two sons as a result of the attack of AKP Urfa MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız’s bodyguard and relatives, and Ferit Şenyaşar, who survived the attack with injuries, continues on its 189th day. Emine and Ferit, who came to the area called ‘’Şenyaşar Family Justice Corner’’ in front of the courthouse in the morning, started the vigil with placards that write on ‘’We want justice for everyone’’.   ‘She wants justice’   Ferit Şenyaşar, who reacted to the investigations opened against his mother during the vigil, emphasized that the struggle for justice here is not just a sit-in. Ferit said: ‘’There is a 65-year-old mother, her two children and her husband were murdered in front of her eyes. The mother only wants justice here. This persecution is perpetrated on 83 million people. This mother has become everyone's mother now. The mother comes early every morning and sits on this cobblestone and goes home in the evening. Which conscience, morality, religion accepts this? It is not enough just to follow this cruelty. It is justice that will end this.’’   ‘Everybody’s mother, everybody’s case’   Pointing to the hearing of the lawsuit filed against Emine Şenyaşar for allegedly ‘’insulting’’ AKP’s İbrahim Halil Yıldız on November 12, Ferit said: ‘’A history will be written in front of the courthouse on November 12. On November 12, we will call out to all the chairpersons of Turkey’s bar associations and ask them to be here. This cruelty is done to everyone. This mother is everyone’s mother, this case is everyone’s case.’’   ‘Justice will win’   The family shared the following on their virtual media accounts: ‘’Bar associations in Turkey will not remain silent against this injustice and unlawfulness. At the hearing on November 12, bar associations will march to the Şanlıurfa Palace of Justice. Defense will end this persecution. We are hopeful. We will win, justice will win.’’