Middle East Women’s Conference: ‘It will be worked on law amendments’ 2021-09-11 12:14:35   Habibe Eren    ISTANBUL - Attending the 2nd Middle East and North Africa Women’s Conference from Yemen, Dr. Anjella Al-Muammari stated that they will focus on uniting the efforts and goals of the feminist movement and combating all forms of religious, intellectual and national extremism.   The 2nd Middle East and North Africa Women’s Conference was held on July 30-31 in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, with the participation of approximately 100 women from 18 countries. The conference, which the Kurdish women’s movement is also the organizer, was attended by 14 women, seven of them online, from Turkey and the region. While the conference was held at a time when almost all of the countries were turmoiled by crises and conflicts, the war in the Middle East, the economic crisis, femicide and self-defense were among the topics discussed comprehensively at the conference.   At the end of the conference, it was decided to establish a comprehensive strategic perspective to build a society based on international human rights and freedoms, democracy and effective equality, as well as the establishment of the ‘’Middle East and North Africa Democratic Women’s Alliance’’.   Participating in the conference from Yemen, Chairperson of the Strategic Research Center for Women and Child Support, Dr. Anjella Al-Muammari stated that after the alliance and special committee are formed, the implementation of the results of the conference will be determined and opportunities, challenges and risks will be analyzed in this context.   ‘We are trying to make women’s voices heard’   Anjella stated that the most important problems discussed at the conference are the violations that women are subjected to in many countries, such as femicide, rape, displacement, abduction and enforced disappearance. She continued: ‘’One solution that can be worked on is the existence of a regional feminist formation that demands an end to violence and inhumane violations against women. We aim to make women’s voices heard in countries that do not barter between states for self-interest and defend human rights.’’   ‘Rojava Women’s Revolution represents dignity and justice’   Anjella stated that the participation in the conference from Northern and Eastern Syria is important, and noted that the true picture of rights violations and how they affect society is once again strikingly revealed. She stated that the direct negative consequences of the war in the Middle East for women are reflected in the femicides, displacement, rape and suicide. In addition to all these crises, Anjella drew attention to the fact that women’s build and the ‘’new life’’ that came to life in Northern and Eastern Syria showed a method to other countries where the crisis of capitalism was deeply felt, and described the Rojava Revolution with the following words: ‘’The Rojava Women’s Revolution represented the image of the feminist revolution victorious for dignity, justice and a humanely life. It also reflects the character of coexistence and tolerance, as well as the democratic governance system.’’ Decisions taken   Referring to the decisions taken at the conference, Anjella said: ‘’We will focus on uniting the efforts and goals of the feminist movement and combating all forms of religious, intellectual and national extremism. It will be worked on law amendments. After the formation of the alliance and special committee, the implementation of the results of the conference will be determined and transformed into real and realistic efforts. Opportunities, challenges and risks will be analyzed.’’