Saliha Aydeniz: ‘Every resistance is actually against isolation’ 2021-09-10 11:13:10   Melike Aydın    IZMIR - DBP Co-chair Saliha Aydeniz, who said that the government, which imposes the solutionlessness in the Kurdish question, wants the crisis in the Middle East to deepen, stated that there is a resistance against the isolation in the face of all these impositions, from the Middle East to Europe. Saliha emphasized that the peoples’ resistance is for the freedom of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.   While the indefinite-rotating hunger strike resistance initiated by the prisoners against the isolation imposed on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan continues on its 288th day, reactions from all quarters continue to rise against the isolation. While it is emphasized that the isolation that has spread to all areas of life should be handled more deeply, attention is also drawn to the importance of the hunger strike resistance against it.   Co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Saliha Aydeniz, made evaluations on the isolation.   ‘The crisis is wanted to deepen’   Saliha said that every resistance against fascism is actually against isolation. Pointing out that the paradigm developed by PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan envisages a dignified and free life for societies and its impact on peoples, Saliha stated that the said effect is known by the governments. Saliha said: ‘’For this reason, every time the government has been in trouble for 22 years, it has appealed to Mr. Öcalan. He was isolated by an international conspiracy. In fact, it is desired that a solution to the Kurdish problem in the Middle East should not be found, and that the crisis should deepen both in Turkey and in the Middle East.’’   Summary of the crisis of governance: isolation, trustee and war policies   Noting that the situation Turkey is in is related to isolation and that this is carried out directly by war policies, Saliha emphasized that the current political and economic crisis of being unable to govern is also related to isolation. Saliha said: ‘’Actually, the government is going through a major crisis. Turkey's form of government is the policies of isolation and trustee. Isolation is the agenda of the entire people. The crisis and chaos experienced is the isolation itself.    Isolation is the whole of Turkey's agenda. Not only in Kurdistan, but also in Turkey, the peoples are under isolation. The peoples of Turkey are governed with crisis. A policy of isolate is being pursued.’’   ‘Everyone saw that there could be a solution with Mr. Öcalan’   Noting that both the opposition and the government do not express the isolation of Imralı, Saliha said that they are under political influence of it and continued as follows: ‘’Everyone, from the opposition to the civil society, lived through the 2013-2015 period. In 2015, the whole of Turkey saw the mission of Mr. Abdullah Öcalan. Turkey saw the impact of a permanent peace on the entire Turkish society and saw that there could be a solution through the meetings with Mr. Öcalan. The Dolmabahçe Consensus consisted of 10 articles. Everyone saw that these are a solution not only for the Kurdish people, but for the whole of Turkey, and that these are trying to create a common solution for all of Turkey. There was a great hope that economic, political and social coexistence would be possible. Everyone knows that this can happen.’’   ‘A dignified life can be achieved with Mr. Öcalan’   Expressing that the Kurdish people are against the war and want democracy, Saliha said: ‘’They understand very well Mr. Öcalan's mission. For this reason, whenever the government is in trouble in 22 years, it appeals to Mr. Öcalan. He was isolated by an international conspiracy. It is desired that a solution to the Kurdish question in the Middle East not be found, and that the crisis deepen both in Turkey and in the Middle East. For this reason, whenever the government was in trouble, it knocked on the door of Imralı. Because both the government and the opposition know that an dignified life can be achieved with Mr. Öcalan. Because they know that he is not an ordinary person. He has great importance, effect not only on the Kurdish people, but also on all the peoples of the Middle East. Today, protests are taking place around the world for Mr. Öcalan. The system he describes actually offers hope.’’   ‘The resistance in prisons is for the liberation of Mr. Öcalan’   Pointing out that the AKP-MHP rulership was able to sustain itself with its war policies, Saliha said that this rulership has no legitimacy in either domestic or foreign politics. Saliha said: ‘’The reason why the government deepens the isolation on the Kurdish people is that they know the influence of Mr. Öcalan on the Kurdish people. This is perception management. Based on this perception, they want to both carry out election work and manage their desperation in the governance. The Kurdish people gave their message very clearly on Newroz and on March 8. They said, ‘We do not just want words and talks, it is time for our leader’s freedom.’ Dialogue is necessary, that is true, but now the Imralı door needs to be broken. In addition, the resistance of political prisoners in Turkey and Kurdistan in prisons is not for breaking the isolation, but for the liberation of Mr. Öcalan.’’   ‘Crimes against humanity are committed in prisons’   Reiterating that the isolation was started in İmralı Prison and continued in all prisons, Saliha said that crimes against humanity continue to be committed in prisons. Saliha stated: ‘’We can say that there is no meeting because of this. The hunger strikes continue. Their demand is that Mr. Öcalan should be freed and prison conditions should be get better, but we see that every day a sick prisoner loses his/her life. Every day, prisoners have punished to serve more time in prison and disciplinary punishments are applied, strip search impositions, unlawfulness are experienced, crimes against humanity are committed.’’   ‘People want to see concrete steps’   Underlining that there is a resistance against the isolation from the Middle East to Europe, Saliha used the following words: ‘’The Leadership’s system has been shown as a solution to the crises in the world and the Middle East. Because it shows that a common and dignified life is possible. Everyone knows that this is perception management. If the government has an intention on this matter, it is only a word. Today is the day to take realistic steps, not words. They have to take steps according to their own laws and courts, but they do not take that either. One of the reasons for taking only showpiece steps is election. Only three-four columnists write, and the society does not believe them anyway. Because they have no credibility before the society. The public now wants to see concrete steps.’’   ‘All this struggle is to stop the isolation’   Noting that the struggle in many areas is to break the isolation and that everyone calls isolation in their own way, Saliha pointed out the similarity between the struggle against the fire in the cities of the region, the flood in the Black Sea cities or the forest fires in the Aegean. Saliha said: ‘’Because the policies are for maintaining the isolation rule. This administration exists not only in Imralı but everywhere. Everything from the field of ecology to the femicides, from crimes against children to the field of labor related to isolation policies. All this struggle is to stop the isolation. Although it is seen through political prisoners and families, in fact, all rallies and struggles are against this isolation policy and fascism.’’