Health worker women who suspended from duty reinstated 2021-09-08 16:32:43   IZMIR - Women who suspended from their jobs because they were conducted an union activities and attended the commemoration ceremony held for the health workers who lost their lives due to the pandemic at Dokuz Eylül Hospital, returned to their jobs.   Health Workers’ Union (SES) Workplace Representative Günseli Uğur and SES member Arzu Sert, who were temporarily suspended at Izmir Dokuz Eylül University Hospital due to their union activities, returned to their jobs with the decision of the rectorship.   What happened?   SES Workplace Representative Günseli Uğur and SES member Arzu Sert were suspended on March 8 after the commemoration event they held in the hospital eating hall on March 5 for the health workers who lost their lives due to the pandemic.