Foreign Relations Committee Member Leyla Arzu İlhan: People of Maxmur resist great 2021-09-06 11:12:15   Habibe Eren    ISTANBUL - Leyla Arzu İlhan, a member of the Maxmur Foreign Relations Committee, drew attention to the fact that the embargo, the attacks of the Turkish state and the resurrected ISIS gangs in the region are continuing the attacks from four directions. Leyla said: ‘’Our people have always resisted against the attacks, and now they are in a great resistance.’’ She called on the international institutions not to be a party to the crime by staying silent.   The Turkish Armed Forces bombarded Maxmur Camp, which is under the supervision of the United Nations (UN), in the Federated Kurdistan Region with an armed drone following the air strikes it carried out on Shengal. While the air attacks against Maxmur have increased in the last period, the people of Maxmur react to the insensitivity of the world public opinion.   Leyla Arzu İlhan, a member of the Maxmur Foreign Relations Committee, stated that they no longer believe in the hegemonic institutions and organizations established by nation states and called for an all out struggle.   ‘Everywhere, free and will-powered Kurd is attacked’   Stating that Maxmur and Shengal were systematically bombed by Turkey, Leyla emphasized that the attacks in question cannot be considered separately from the general concept of genocide. Leyla said: ‘’The Turkish colonist state is attacking the free and will-powered Kurd in everywhere.’’ She reminded that Maxmur has always been exposed to the attacks of the Turkish state in its 28-year refugee history. Leyla stated: ‘’Now again, the Turkish state is recklessly attacking our people.’’    ‘The attack after the meeting attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs is not a coincidence’   Leyla stated that it was not a coincidence that the attack took place after the ‘’Baghdad Cooperation and Partnership Conference’’, which started in Baghdad on August 28 and attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, representing Turkey. Reminding that thousands of citizens had to migrate to Maxmur due to the evacuation of villages in Turkey in the 1990s, Leyla said: ‘’Just as Kurdistan was divided into four parts by four Islamist nation states, the genocide policy that has developed today is carried out with this conception of occupation. Yes! We live on the territory of Iraq and in a region under the control of the international coalition, but if the Turkish state can come and hit a refugee camp with political refugee status under the supervision of the UN in front of all of them, it shows that the forces we mentioned are in a joint plan with the Turkish state.’’   ‘They also put the collaborationist Kurd in the person of the KDP into action’   Emphasizing that military and commercial agreements were made between the Iraqi state and the Turkish state, at the same time that the Maxmur Camp and Shengal were bombed by the Turkish state, Leyla said: ‘’If this is not a joint attack, then what is it? Colonist states see their existence in the Kurdish genocide. That is why they are working together for the genocide of the Kurdish people. The enemies of the Kurdish people have decided to massacre the Kurdish people, and they have also put the collaborationist Kurd in the person of the KDP into action.’’   ‘Hegemonic powers are breaking even their own laws’   Pointing out that the attacks on the Maxmur camp and the massacre of civilians are crimes against humanity, Leyla stated: ‘’When it comes to the genocide of the Kurdish people, the hegemonic powers are even breaking their own laws. The United Nations and its protectors can remain silent on all inhumane crimes committed by the ruling interests of the hegemon system. The delegation meeting the Iraqi prime minister in Shengal can be targeted by the Turkish state and massacred in a public bazaar. A hospital serving people is bombed; but the so-called human rights defenders are silent. As long as this silence continues, the Turkish state will continue its recklessly attacks. In this sense, all institutions and organizations affiliated with nation-states are governed by the genocide and power mentality of nation-states, including the UN.’’   ‘We cannot separate the embargo from the policies of genocide’   Pointing out that in addition to the attacks, the camp has been under a heavy embargo by the KDP for more than two years, Leyla continued as follows: ‘’We cannot consider the embargo separately from the existing genocide policies. The Turkish state is deepening these genocide policies at the hands of the collaborator and betrayer Kurd. They are trying to intimidate our people with the embargo. They are trying to break our will and surrender us. Both the embargo, the bombing attacks of the Turkish state, and the ISIS gangs that have resurrected themselves in the region are continuing the attacks from four directions. Our people have always resisted against these attacks and are now in a great resistance.’’   ‘We do not believe in institutions established by colonist states’   Leyla said: ‘’We no longer believe that the institutions and organizations established by the colonist states will do anything.’’ For this reason, Leyla emphasized that the peoples and democratic forces should display a stronger resistance against the policies of genocide. Leyla continued as: ‘’Silence against every attack brings another attack and a heavier attack. For this, all international non-state and human rights defenders must oppose these genocide policies at the highest level. By fighting together, we can prevent these crimes against humanity. We can end this genocide mentality by fighting together. Just as the attacks are all out, the struggle and resistance against them must be all out.’’