Criminal complaint filed against authorities for Konya Massacre 2021-09-02 13:19:06     NEWS CENTER - The lawyer of the family, Abdurrahman Karabulut, who shared regarding the investigation into the racist massacre in which seven members of the Dedeoğulları family lost their lives, announced that they had filed a criminal complaint against the judges and prosecutors, the provincial security directorate and the polices.   The investigation into the racist massacre in which seven members of the Dedeoğulları family lost their lives on July 30 in the Meram district of Konya continues.   The family’s lawyer, Abdurrahman Karabulut, made a new post on the subject from his account on the digital media platform.   The lawyer shared the following information: ‘’Regarding the massacre in Konya, on the grounds of ‘violation of the right to life’, since the willful killing was occurred due to negligence and they committed the crime of misconduct, we filed a criminal complaint to the HSK for judges and prosecutors, and to the prosecutor’s office about the provincial security directorate and police officers. As the defense group lawyers of the Dedeoğulları family, we will continue to make all necessary applications for the punishment of all those responsible in the next process as well.’’