Digital media action for Afghan women 2021-09-01 17:04:40     ISTANBUL - Women’s Global Solidarity Network for Women of Afghanistan launched a multilingual ‘Global Social Media’ action simultaneously on digital media, calling for freedom for Afghan women.   After the Taliban recaptured Afghanistan 20 years later, nearly hundreds of thousands of people were forced to flee Afghanistan under Taliban rule. The remaining women, on the other hand, faced oppression and violence by the Taliban. Finally, Minister of Higher Education Abdul Baqi Haqqani announced that women can go to university, but they cannot take lessons from male teachers and they will not be in the same class with men.   Women’s Global Solidarity Network for Women of Afghanistan launched a ‘Global Social Media’ action simultaneously on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook at 15:00, protesting the Taliban with the hashtags #StandWithWomenofAfghanistan and #No2TalibanYes2WomensRights. Posters in many languages, including English, Kurdish and Arabic, were prepared for the digital action.   There are many slogans on the posters such as: ‘’We reject the Taliban and the Afghan government’’, ‘’As women of the world, we stand by the women of Afghanistan’’, ‘’We defend women’s rights, we protect its principles’’, ‘’Open humanitarian corridors immediately to support the people in Afghanistan!’’, “Stop all support to the Taliban’’, ‘’We refuse to recognize the Taliban as the government in Afghanistan!’’, ‘’We support the resistance of women against the Taliban; human rights and democracy for women must be ensured!’’