Misogynist Cevat Akşit’s foundation exempted from tax 2021-08-27 14:13:26     ISTANBUL - The Gaye Foundation, founded by Cevat Akşit from the İskenderpaşa Jamaat, known for his sexist and reactionary statements against women, was exempted from tax.   The AKP government added a new one to the reactionary and partisan foundations that were granted tax exemption. Gümüşhaneli Research Assistance and Education Foundation (Gaye Foundation), founded by Cevat Akşit, one of the leading figures of the İskenderpaşa Jamaat, was exempted from tax with the decision of President Tayyip Erdoğan.   On August 13, it was announced that Gaye Foundation was added to the ‘’List of Foundations Granted Tax Exemption’’ published by the Revenue Administration of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. The reactionary and misogynist Cevat Akşit, who defends ‘’female circumcision’’, a method of sexual torture, is known for his sexist statements.