Call from Şanaz İbrahim Ehmed: Military operations must be stopped 2021-08-26 16:17:23     NEWS CENTER - PUK Foreign Relations Officer Şanaz İbrahim Ehmed demanded that the operations still being carried out by Turkish military assets within the borders of the Federal Kurdistan Region be stopped immediately.   Şanaz İbrahim Ehmed, Officer of Foreign Relations of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), called for an immediate stop to the military operations that Turkey has been carrying out on the territory of the Federal Kurdistan since April. Şanaz gave a place to the issue with her share on her account on the digital media platform, and included the reaction they have and the historical dimension of the attacks. Şanaz underlined that they condemn the bombardments that took place on Pêncewîn û Şarezûrê on August 24.   ‘It is a shame the support of local powers’   Şanaz stated that it is a great shame that the attacks were not carried out only by Turkey, but that the support of local powers in every attack that occurs is also a dishonor, and she said:   ‘’The inaction, silence and quietness of the regional authorities should not prevent the cries from being heard.”   ‘It should be taken a stand against attacks’   Addressing the authorities in the Federal Kurdistan region, Şanaz called for policies that protect the interests of citizens, and stated that Turkey should stop the attacks as soon as possible and that the people from Turkey should take a stand against the attacks.