600 days without Gülistan Doku: Investigation stopped after Istanbul Convention 2021-08-26 15:09:43     Gülistan Azak    DİYARBAKIR - University student Gülistan Doku has not been heard from for 600 days. Her lawyer, Ali Çimen, pointed out that the investigation was stopped after the termination of the Istanbul Convention. Elif Tirenç İpek Ulaş from the Rosa Women’s Association said: ‘’The main reason for Gülistan’s not finding is that there was no effective investigation at the time of the incident and that the incident was treated as a suicide.’’   It has been 600 days since Munzur University student Gülistan Doku disappeared in Dersim. In Dersim, a small city filled with cameras and under a police blockade under the name of ‘’security’’, Gülistan has not been heard from since January 5, 2020. Zainal Abarakov and his police father Engin Y., who are seen as the first responsible for the disappearance of Gülistan, are still free and no decision has been taken against them.   Investigation to those who say ‘Where is Gülistan Doku’   For more than a year, Gülistan was persistently searched in Uzunçayır Dam Lake, on the grounds that she committed suicide. All the family’s applications remained unanswered. An investigation was launched against those who raised the question ‘’Where is Gülistan Doku?’’ Zainal Abarakov and his family, with whom Gülistan last met, were openly protected. While Zainal’s departure abroad was tolerated, a lawsuit was filed against Gülistan’s older sister Aygül Doku and a fine was given.   Women fighting for Gülistan to be found, in many cities, especially in Dersim, continue to ask ‘’Where is Gülistan Doku?’’   Gülistan’s lawyer Ali Çimen and Elif Tirenç İpek Ulaş from the Rosa Women’s Association made evaluations to our agency.   Investigation is stopped after withdrawal from convention   Lawyer Ali Çimen pointed out that although the Gülistan Doku investigation has been going on for approximately 600 days, the basic procedures in the file have not yet been carried out, and informed that the investigation stopped as of March, as a result of the termination of the Istanbul Convention by President Tayyip Erdoğan. Ali said: ‘’There has not been a scientific examination on the suspicious materials in our file yet. Again, no improvement has been made on the security cameras that saw the place where Gülistan was last seen. The official expert report, which entered the file in August 2020, has not been done. As a whole, it can be said very clearly that the Gülistan Doku investigation is not being conducted effectively and efficiently. Gülistan’s family is still hopeful because of the promises made to them, but these promises have not yet had an impact on the investigation proceedings.’’   Call for solidarity   Finally, Ali continued as follows: ‘’We, the lawyers and human rights organizations, are under a great responsibility in terms of clarifying  the disappearance of a 21-year-old woman and detecting the crime and criminals regarding this investigation. We wish from sensitive public that to continue their solidarity with Gülistan’s family and ask for ‘Where is Gülistan Doku?’’   ‘The event is not discrete’   Emphasizing that the Gülistan Doku incident was not an discrete incident, Elif Tirenç İpek Ulaş from the Rosa Women’s Association also pointed out that the investigation was not conducted effectively. Elif said: ‘’In Turkey, where the state security forces are over hundreds of thousands, the state has not been able to find out the whereabouts of a woman for 600 days, since even the slightest incident is detected by city surveillance cameras and people marked for share their thoughts on Twitter accounts. It is essential. When this is the case, it comes to mind that the suspicious person or persons are protected. The lack of an effective investigation at the time of the incident and the handling of the incident as a suicide are the main reasons for Gülistan’s not finding. Despite the cameras watching the city, Gülistan could be watched during the day, but her fate could not be known. It was said that the cameras were broken on the bridge, where Gülistan was last seen. The lack of sufficient research on Zainal Abarakov, who is stated to be Gülistan’s boyfriend, caused the loss of evidences. The opening of an investigation to Gülistan’s sister’s struggle for justice revealed that the file was intended to be closed, but this could not be achieved with her sister’s intense efforts. Again, judicial harassments were made against women activists who said, ‘Where is Gülistan Doku?’ and ‘Where is Gülistan Doku?’ actions have been added to the indictments.’’   ‘We will not let go’   Expressing that they are also concerned about the implementation of a special policy for young women studying at Munzur University in Dersim, Elif said: ‘’As women's associations, we declare to the public and the press that we will not let this incident go.’’