‘Notice is published for Afghan women: Let’s give support to resistance’ 2021-08-25 13:14:07     NEWS CENTER - A notice published by the Initiative to Fight Against Occupation and Femicide for Peace and Security, called on all international organizations not to recognize the Taliban and to ‘’support the resistance and struggle of Afghanistani women against reactionary male fascism’’.   The Initiative to Fight Against Occupation and Femicide for Peace and Security, published a notice and called on international organizations to take action against the Taliban, which captured many settlements in Afghanistan, declared sharia rule and started to implement decisions that ignore the fundamental rights of women. In the notice which published , it was stated that the Taliban started to implement a series of decisions that ignored the fundamental rights of women and did not leave them a living space, reminding the rights violations that the Taliban caused in Afghanistan in 1996-2001.   ‘The Rojava Revolution set an example for the Middle East’   Emphasizing that the Rojava Revolution set an example for the Middle East, the published notice said: ‘’Yesterday Al-Nusra, today ISIS, FSA and finally the Taliban have a destructive male-dominated fascist mentality against women’s freedom struggle, women’s right to life, and their existence. Hundreds of examples could be given to that. The Rojava Revolution, a women’s revolution, built in 2011 by the Kurdish, Arab, Syriac, Assyrian, Armenian, Circassian, Turkmen, Chechen and Chaldean peoples, who weaved a new and common life with their self power during the Syrian war, became a model throughout the Middle East. However, ISIS and the regional powers behind it tried to invade Kobane in order to suffocate the Rojava Revolution, which teardowned the dark history of the Middle East and where women, peoples, religious and sect groups weaved together an equal and common life; they set up slave markets to sell the women they abducted from Shengal. Thousands of Yazidi, Kurdish and Arab women were killed, forcibly displaced, abducted and raped, it was forbidden for women to go outside, circumcision was made compulsory.’’   ‘Turkey’s desire to work together is worrisome’   In the notice which published, it was stated that deal with the Taliban administration in Afghanistan would bring the danger of seeing the violations of rights in the current situation as legitimate, and it was pointed out that Turkey’s desire to work together with the Taliban is excogitative and worrisome. It continued: ‘’Contrary to the words recently uttered by President Erdoğan of Turkey, as ‘The Initiative to Fight Against Occupation and Femicide For Peace and Security’ and as women we have a lot conflicts and problems with Taliban’s faith, and there is no way that we can reach any agreement with a misogynistic organization like the Taliban! While the active support of the AKP government to gangs such as ISIS is known by almost the whole world, the Istanbul Convention, which is the Council of Europe Convention on the Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, was terminated by a Presidential Decree in the middle of the night, Turkey’s desire to joint work with the Taliban in Afghanistan is as worrisome as it is excogitative!’’   The Initiative to Fight Against Occupation and Femicide For Peace and Security made the following calls to all international organizations:   ‘’* Urgent action must be taken to disarm the Taliban as soon as possible!     * Immediate sanctions should be imposed on all powers and states that helped, played a role in arming the Taliban!     * Every measure should be taken urgently against this fundamentalist regime, looking out for the right to life of all anti-Taliban groups, especially the women and children in Afghanistan!     * While taking these measures, we also call upon all to oppose the recognition of the Taliban government and support the resistance and struggle of Afghanistani women against the reactionary male fascism.’’