‘Peace Rally’ to hold in Diyarbakır on September 4 2021-08-24 16:36:04     DİYARBAKIR - Amed Labor and Democracy Forces called for participation in the rally, which will be held on Saturday, September 4, at the Station Square, on the occasion of World Peace Day.   Amed Labor and Democracy Forces held a press release about on September 1, World Peace Day, at the Education and Science Workers’ Union (Egitim-Sen) Branch No.1 in Diyarbakır. In press release, the banner was opened in Kurdish dialects Zazaki, Kurmanji and Turkish written as ‘’Now is the time to shout peace!’’ The statement was read by Amed Labor and Democracy Term Spokesperson Süleyman Bozkurt.   ‘Peace against war, negotiation and dialogue against conflict’   Emphasizing that peace and humanly life against war, negotiation and dialogue against conflict, fraternity and unity against hatred are possible, the statement said: ‘’We are living in a period when the economic turndown in the country has turned into a real poverty revolt, oppression, attacks and massacres against political segments, violence against displaced Syrian and Afghan refugees, and massacres especially against worker Kurdish citizens. This political administration is in cooperation with reactionism, fascism and imperialism; It sees oppression, hunger and misery deem proper by attacking the will of the peoples and workers, especially the Kurdish people, to determine their own destiny and establish their own democratic life. Against this, we can respond with a great resistance and organized struggle.’’   A call to enlarge the struggle   In the statement that drew attention to the importance of the struggle for peace, the following statements were included: ‘’We are the comrades of the martyrs of peace, labor and democracy who have learned through bitter experience that the price of wanting peace is our lives. And we cry out again; We do not have a single life to be sacrificed to dirty calculations. We all need the healing power of peace. Because peace is far from self-interest, too serious to be discussed at bargaining tables, and too valuable to risk fighting for it. We want the difficult one and call on the struggle to grow on this path.’’   ‘Peace Rally’ on Saturday, September 4   Finally, in statement called for participation in the ‘’Peace Rally’ that will be held on Saturday, September 4, on the occasion of World Peace Day, in order to raise the demand for peace with a louder voice.   The statement came to an end after the answers given to the questions of the press members.