From politicians call for ‘joint voice and action’ for women in Afghanistan 2021-08-24 10:55:44     DİYARBAKIR - Pointing out that the attacks against women in Afghanistan, where the Taliban took control, are the continuation of the ISIS mentality, the politicians called for the women of the world to ‘’joint voice and action’’.   Even though the US occupation in Afghanistan, which has been going on since October 2001, ended with the withdrawal of the US and NATO forces, Afghanistan has entered a process of occupation other than an occupation. The threat faced by women and girls grew even more after the Taliban, to whom the USA almost handed over the administration, took over the capital Kabul. The news from the country is that the Taliban have reactivated their practices that imprison women to homes and remove them from their living areas.   Contrary to those who claim that ‘’it has changed positively in 20 years’’, the Taliban continue their 20 years ago attitude by continuing their massacres.  Politicians evaluated the developments in Afghanistan and the situation of women.   ‘Women first targeted in wars and occupations’   Noting that the ISIS attacks and mentality against Yazidi women in Shengal are now directed against women in Afghanistan by the Taliban, Sur Co-Mayor Filiz Buluttekin, who was replaced by trustee, noted that the states that legitimize the perpetrators are partners in the crimes. Filiz said: ‘’Any attack on women is political. We have seen many times that women are the first to be targeted by states in wars and occupations. We follow the rhetoric of Turkey and some countries that see the Taliban as legitimate. The reason for these discourses targeting women is that women’s struggle is a world power. Religion is used to prevent this struggle. Women are wanted to be removed from society and wanted to be used as booty for the war. When we look at the situation in Turkey today, we can see that the increasing femicides and the abolished Istanbul Convention are the products of the same mentality. The attacks that imposition on Afghan women is unacceptable to us. We will continue to say a joint word in our common struggle with the women of the world.’’   ‘We have seen similar attacks in ISIS’   Gönül Özel, the Republican People’s Party (CHP) Diyarbakır Provincial Chairperson, likened the Taliban’s attacks on women in Afghanistan to ISIS and drew attention to the lack of security of life for women. Gönül said: ‘’Women in Afghanistan are waiting for solidarity. All women's organizations should raise a joint voice to this call for solidarity. Women in Afghanistan are wanted to be removed from the social sphere. They are suspended from education, fired from their jobs. Women politicians are on the escape, journalists are killed. Even though they claim that they are not the former Taliban, we see and follow the brutality there. Women who did not wear the burqa were killed in the city squares. All women of the world need to raise their voice against the attacks on women in Afghanistan. We have seen and experienced similar attacks against women in ISIS before. In the time of Kobane, I wanted women to rise up and raise their voices. I say the same for Afghanistan today. Because we know what these mentalities have done and will do to women.’’