Names of those who lost their lives in bombed hospital announced 2021-08-18 15:04:12     NEWS CENTER - It was announced that four of the eight people who lost their lives in the Sikeniye village hospital in Shengal, which was bombed by Turkey, were health workers and four were the fighters who defended the city.   Shengal Democratic Autonomous Assembly (MXDŞ) made a written statement about the attacks carried out by Turkey on the hospital in Sikeniye village yesterday, and the names of those who lost their lives were shared.   The statement said: ‘’Eight people were martyred and four people were injured in the attack on the hospital. Of these eight people, four are YBŞ fighters receiving treatment at the hospital, and three are health workers. Muhlise Sîdar, originally from Şırnak, who died in the attack and was originally from Şırnak, came to Shengal as a doctor to treat the wounds of the Yazidi community on the anniversary of the 2014 mobilization order, and has been covering the wounds of the people ever since. At the same time, four people named Hesen, Evdi, Semir and Majid, who were injured in the bomb attack, are health workers.’’   The names of those who lost their lives in the attack are as follows:    *Hemîd Sadun (YBŞ fighter)    Xidir Şeref (YBŞ fighter)   Ramî El Salim (YBŞ fighter)   Meytem Xidir Xelef (YBŞ fighter)   Elî Reşo Xidir, (Health worker)   Sedo Îlyas Reşo, (Health worker)   Hecî Xidir (Health worker)   Muhlise Sîdar(Health worker)