After Hakim Dal, his nephews also subjected to racist attack 2021-08-18 14:27:07     KONYA - The four nephews of Hakim Dal, who was murdered as a result of a racist attack in Meram, were also subjected to racist attacks. The perpetrators were released after taking their statements as a result of the complaint against them.   Hakim Dal from Diyarbakır, in Meram district of Konya, was attacked by a racist group and murdered on July 21 because he was Kurdish. Although it was determined that there were more than one attacker within the scope of the investigation launched after the massacre, only one person was arrested within the scope of the investigation. As a result of the policies of impunity, Hakim’s nephews B.D., E.D., T.D. and Z.D. (ranging in age from 14 to 16) was subjected to racist attack.   Hamdi Dal, the brother of the murdered Hakim, stated that on August 13, his four nephews were subjected to racist attacks by many people when their roads were cut off while they were going to take their animals in the Kaşıhanı Neighborhood of Meram district. Pointing out that the mukhtar of the neighborhood spread racism, Hamdi said that the children first faced insults and swearing, and then physical violence. Hamdi said: ‘’The mukhtar of the village gathered the people and started cursing, saying ‘I am mukhtar’.’’   Cursing animals   Noting that when the children took their animals, Hamdi said that the mukhtar also cursed the animals by saying ‘’These are the animals from Diyarbakır’’ and that they then tried to inflict violence on the children. Hamdi said that because his nephews are Kurds, the mukhtar gathered 50 people from the villagers, and added that the racist group had withdrawn when they went to the scene.   The attackers have been released again!   Stating that they are faced with such attacks because they are Kurds, Hamdi said: ‘’The mukhtar went to the coffeehouse and said, ‘Kurds are like this,’ and brought everyone. After the incident, we also received a report of assault and went to the police station to complain. The children's statements were also taken at the Children's Branch. The attacker group was released after their statements.’’   ‘What shall I say to this justice?’   Drawing attention to the murder of his brother Hakim as a result of a racist attack, Hamdi said: ‘’The perpetrator is clear, the state knows this, everybody knows it. 50-60 people have committed a murder, but only one is under arrest. 60 people commit crimes, but one person is arrested. What shall I say to this justice? Is there such a justice, a law?’’