Petition for RJAK members who detained by KDP 2021-08-17 13:37:00     NEWS CENTER - A petition campaign was launched for the three RJAK members detained by the KDP.   A petition was launched for the members of the Kurdistan Free Women’s Organization (RJAK), Xewla Mihemed Hesen, Ciwana Abdulbaqî and Seyran Ehmed, who were detained by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Public Security and could not be heard from for 14 days.   The women activists and journalists who started the campaign also sent a petition to the Kurdistan Regional Parliament Human Rights Committee, Women’s Affairs High Board.   ‘Everyone should sign’   The petition sent included the following: ‘’We are launching a petition for the release of three RJAK women activists. Anyone who considers themself responsible and opposes violence should sign the petition. RJAK is an official organization and works to raise awareness of women and society. RJAK strives for a free and democratic society against violence, femicide and occupation.’’