Neighborhood residents meet their water needs from borehole! 2021-08-17 10:36:37     Medya Üren    MARDİN - Citizens experiencing water and electricity shortages in the Deyşan Neighborhood of Mazıdağı have to meet their water needs from a borehole. Citizens are calling for a solution to the problem.   There is a water and electricity problem in Deyşan Neighborhood of Mazıdağı district of Mardin. Citizens living in Deyşan cannot obtain efficiency from agricultural production due to these problems. Failure to solve the water and electricity problem for the citizens living in the neighbourhood, brings with it financial difficulties. Citizens living in the neighborhood talked about the problems they experienced.   ‘Even though we complained, it did not work’   Hamdiye Bozkurt, who said that Deyşan had water and electricity problems for years, stated that for this reason they could not even operate agricultural lands. Hamdiye said: ‘’We cannot cultivate our agricultural lands. That's why we have great financial difficulties. Although we complained many times and expressed our problems, it didn't work. Due to these problems, most of our family, especially young people, have to go out and work outside the city. If there had been water, this would not have happened.’’   ‘All the villagers are trying to meet their water needs from a well’   Cemile Bilen, on the other hand, stated that they had to sell their animals due to the water problem they experienced. Stating that all family members are interested in agriculture, Cemile said: ‘’No matter how much we voice our problems, the situation does not change. We get our water needs only from the well drilled in the village, and this is not enough. Because all the villagers are trying to meet their water needs from this well. Since our livelihood depends only on agriculture and animal breeding and the problems are high, we cannot meet our expenses.’’   ‘We pay the bills of electricity and water we do not use’   Cemile stated: ‘’Sometimes, we meet our needs by carrying water from the ponds that are formed with the pouring rains. Neither the municipalities nor the mukhtar are doing anything. We have to pay electricity and water bills that we cannot use properly. Since there is no electricity, we warm up by burning dried dung in the winter. The municipalities need to fix the problems as soon as possible.’’ Noting that her siblings and spouse at home had to work in construction, Cemile said: ‘’We also deal with fields and animal breeding in the village to make our living. We are very disadvantaged compared to other villages. We use what we earn while our financial situation is clear for the expenses of the well. In addition, every time a problem occurs in the well, more than 10,000 TR is spent. Without a well, the village would be destroyed by drought. We will have to emigrate. Our mukhtar does nothing. Neither the mukhtar nor the municipality has a conscience. They devastated us.’’