HDK: Fraternity of peoples will stop racism 2021-08-12 16:25:26   ISTANBUL - Holding the AKP responsible for the attacks targeting refugees in Altındağ, HDK gave the message, ‘’The fraternity of peoples will stop racism’’ in a written statement.   Peoples’ Democratic Congress (HDK) made a written statement regarding the racist attack against refugees in Ankara Altındağ. “Fraternity of Peoples Will Say Stop to Racism!’’ used as title in statement and followings were included: ‘’The twofaced policies against the immigrants are the result of the expansionist war policies of the government. We, those who are in favor of labor, democracy and peace, know very well from both world and country history that the governments that leave the masses unemployed, hungry and insecure have always created an ‘other’ in order to eliminate reactions and opposition. This ‘other’ who was Kurdish at the time of the forest fires has become Syrian refugees today.   ‘We expose twofaced imperial policies’   The statement continued: ‘’The pogrom attempt is not independent of the government. Anyone who tries to take advantage of the hostile atmosphere created will fall under this dangerous course. We will not allow Europe and the AKP-MHP government to gather power over the peoples of the Middle East. We call on the authorities to take urgent measures, reveal those responsible, and put an end to this dangerous tendency.   We expose your twofaced imperial policies that set people against each other, and invite all peoples of Turkey, especially the people of Altındağ, to stay away from racist and hostile provocations. People fleeing from hunger and war are not responsible for what we are experiencing. We know that only fascism feeds on racist attempts.’’