Resistance wins in Akbelen 2021-08-12 15:32:59   MUĞLA - As a result of the struggle of the citizens who continued the vigil against the tree cutting in Milas Akbelen, the court decided to stay of execution.   The struggle of the people of the region against the lignite mine intended to be established in the Akbelen Forest of the Milas district of Muğla gave results. The decision was made in the case of annulment of Integrated Plant EIA Exemption filed by the people of Akbelen and continuing at the Muğla 3rd Administrative Court, and in the cancellation of forest cutting at the Muğla 1st Administrative Court. In both cases, the courts ordered a stay of execution.   According to the decision, re-exploration and expert examination will be made in the region and reports will be prepared.   With the decision, the forest was completely put under protection.