Batman residents react to increasing drug use 2021-08-09 10:40:18   Derya Ren    BATMAN -  Citizens reacting to the increasing drug use throughout the city said: ‘’We want the streets and neighborhoods to be cleared from drugs.’’   While prostitution and drug use continue to increase day by day throughout the country, it is remarkable that no deterrent measures are taken. In addition, the increase in drug use in regional cities such as Batman, Diyarbakır, Bingöl and Urfa has become a situation that disturbs the citizens, and sometimes the residents of the neighborhood keep watch in order to prevent drug use.   Reacting to the increasing drug use in Batman and the cities of the region, the people of Batman stated that they are concerned about the future of their children.   ‘Let children walk on successful roads’   Stating that they do not want young people to use drugs, Şükriye Acar stated that young people should be sensitive to drug policies. Şükriye said: ‘’We do not want this situation in our streets, in our neighborhoods or in Kurdistan. Our youth should not fall on this bad road. It is a pity for us, we do not want our children or the children of other families to take this bad road. We want them to walk on successful roads. This is their biggest quilt. We need our young people not to go down this road. As a call, all families should stand on their children and not let their children go on this dirty road. We do not want anyone, our children to go on this bad road. Therefore, families should fall all over their children in this regard, and let their children move on a better path.’’   ‘My grandchild was also addicted’   Emine Değirmenci noted that the old times were more beautiful and stated that now the young people are being deceived. Emine said: ‘’Instead of relating on this issue, the state arrests us. However, they do not take precautions against young people who sell and use drugs, and they release them as they arrested them. We want the streets and neighborhoods to be cleaned. My grandchild was also addicted and returned form the dead. Sometimes on a bad road, most of the young people are coming here.’’   ‘It can be prevented by raising awareness’   Pointing out that the main reason for young people to use and sell drugs is financial difficulties, Halime Irmak continued her speech: ‘’Providing educational activities and trainings for children at homes and schools can prevent children from falling into bad ways. Especially in parking areas, an arrangement can be made to increase security measures. Usually, the police do not say anything to anyone about it. This shows that they like it. On the other hand, this can be prevented by raising awareness in schools and especially by giving free education to children.’’   Muzaffer Orhan, who graduated from the graphic design department of the university, said that he wanted to work in his own business but could not find a job, adding that one of the reasons for the increase in drug use was unemployment and social pressure. Muzaffer stated that young people were also referred to drugs by the government.   ‘Let treat them’   Feryaz Değirmenci said: ‘’Families should explain this issue to their children in a good language, stop them and ensure that they are treated.’’ Feryaz noted that the government does not pay attention to the issue, and because of this, the number of addicts is increasing day by day. Finally, Feryaz made the following call to the youth: ‘’I would like to say that the situation upsets their families as well. We want them to treat them. As long as this situation continues, children are also affected by this situation and start using it.’’