Perpetrator Mehmet Altun: ‘I wanted to fire house for erase of records’ 2021-08-05 17:24:52   KONYA - Perpetrator Mehmet Altun, who murdered seven members of the Dedeoğulları family as a result of a racist attack in Meram, confessed that he wanted to burn the camera records in order not to leave any evidence.   The first statement of Mehmet Altun, who murdered seven people, four of whom were women, from the Dedeoğulları family, as a result of a racist attack on July 30 in the Hasanköy Neighborhood of Konya’s Meram district, was taken at the police station.   ‘I wanted to fire house for erase of records’   The perpetrator, who was detained in the rural area of Üçpınar Neighborhood of Bozkır district six days after the massacre, claimed in his first statement at the police station that he went to the Dedeoğulları family to tell them to withdraw their complaints against his older sister Ayşe Keleş, brother-in-law Lütfi Keleş and others about the violence they were subjected to on May 12.   The perpetrator, who claimed that he introduced himself as a ‘’municipal official’’ and invited family members to the garden, and that the family recognized him and reacted when he removed the surgical mask on his face during the speech, said the following: ‘’I went home to negotiate. First, I introduced myself as a municipal official. When I took the mask down, they recognized me. After getting to know me, they walked over me. So I took out my gun and told them to give up complaining about my sister and brother-in-law. I asked them to sign the document that I prepared myself to give up the complaint. We went to make a compromise. Because they reacted and walked on me, I shot and killed them all. In order not to leave a trace behind me, I fired again while they were lying on the ground and I wanted to set the house on fire so that the security camera recordings would be erased.’’