July violence tally: 27 women killed, 8 suspicious deaths 2021-08-05 12:48:10   Dilan Babat   ANKARA - According to our July violence tally, 27 women were killed by their closest relatives, and eight women died suspiciously. In July, when 11 children were exposed to abuse, the court’s good conduct times continued.   The Istanbul Convention, which was terminated on March 20 by the Presidential Decree, was completely repealed on July 1. The demands of the women, who responded to the abolition of the convention with a rebellion on July 1, were ignored. While the government did not take any measures against the increasing femicides and male violence, as a result, many women and children were targeted by male violence in July. While the perpetrators make familiar excuses for violence, the judiciary insists on giving ‘’good conduct times’’ to these excuses.   27 women were killed   As Jinnews, 27 women were killed in July, according to the data we gathered from the monthly news. Four of the killed women lost their lives in a racist attack against a Kurdish family in the Meram district of Konya province. Eight women died suspiciously in July. Seven women were faced with the danger of being killed. In July, four children were killed, 11 children were exposed to abuse, violence and killing attempts were made against 16 children, and two children died suspiciously.   Women killed despite restraining orders   In July, nine of the women were killed by their husbands, two by the men they were in the process of divorce, and one by their son. Again, one woman was killed by her father, one woman by her mother, and four women by men who had a restraining order. The city where the most women were killed in July was Istanbul (four).   Femicides with known perpetrators   Istanbul (four), Ankara (two), Maraş (one), Denizli (one), Yozgat (one), Karabük (one), Balıkesir (two), Malatya (one), Izmir (two), Hatay (two), Antalya (one), Konya (four), Adana (one), Sivas (one), Manisa (one), Sinop (one), Kastamonu (one).   Suspicious women deaths   Kocaeli (one), Kastamonu (one), Bingöl (one), Aydın (one), Antep (one), Izmir (one), Samsun (one), Tekirdağ (one).   Attempt to killing   Giresun (one), Muğla (one), Kocaeli (one), Kayseri (one), Mersin (one), Antep (one), Ankara (one)   Violence against women, sexual assault and reflections to social media   Van (one), Muğla (one), Adana (one), Istanbul (six), Maraş (one), Ankara (two), Şırnak (one), Batman (one), Mardin (one), Çorum (one), Giresun (one).   Killing of children   Balıkesir (two), Ankara (one), Aydın (one).   Violence against children and attempt to killing   Giresun (one), Muğla (one), Ağrı (one), Diyarbakır (one), Urfa (one), Van (one), Istanbul (three), Hatay (one), Aydın (one).   Child abuse    Mardin (two), Iğdır (one), Istanbul (two), Muğla (one), Kocaeli (one), Diyarbakır (one), Bursa (one), Urfa (one).    Suspicious child deaths   Diyarbakır (one), Muş (one).    Court’s good conduct times and impunity practices   Muğla (one), Diyarbakır (one), Çorum (one), Istanbul (two).